Business Foundation

[SEM A 2024] Business Decision Making (Topic 1 - Brand P&G) - A1

Business Overview and Recent Developments Introduction to the selected public company within the assigned industry. Company Background: Start with basic information about the company—name, year of establishment, location of headquarters, and a brief history. Product Portfolio: Describe the main products or services offered by the company. Market Position: Discuss the company’s current market position, including market share and ranking within the industry. Summary of recent significant developments: mergers, acquisitions, new product launches. Recent Developments: Highlight key events from the last year such as mergers, acquisitions, new product launches, or entry into new markets. This should also include any notable achievements or significant challenges faced.




  • The assignment tasks students with budget planning for a specified product from a publicly listed company in either Vietnam, Australia, or the United States. 

  • It requires a comprehensive understanding of cost behavior, sales, profit, and cash budgets from Q4 2023 to Q4 2024. 

  • The assignment aligns with the application of key concepts such as strategic review, inclusion of external factors, and sensitive analysis for scenario planning. 

  • The student's industry sector is determined by the last two digits of their student ID, with instructions to choose a public company and specific product within the assigned industry sector.



  • Provide a detailed overview of the business and significant developments within the last year, including any strategic decisions made in 2023, backed by relevant citations.

  • Conduct a PESTLE analysis to identify external factors that might influence the business in 2024, explaining the significance of these factors.

  • Formulate a sales and cost budget for the chosen product, detailing the methodology and justifying the distinction between fixed and variable costs.

  • Create a cash budget considering the company's payment and revenue timelines, calculating key financial indicators such as the contribution margin, operating profit, and net cash flow, with explanations supported by relevant data.

  • Prepare a sensitive analysis for two significant events based on PESTLE factors and develop strategic adaptation plans for each scenario.

  • Engage in inter-teaching by contributing to discussions and demonstrating an understanding of the course material.


The student is directed to submit both an Excel file for budget calculations and a Word document for the report, with only the Word file being marked. 




  1. PESTLE Analysis: A strategic framework used to evaluate the external environmental factors that may impact an organization. It stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental factors.


  1. Budget Planning: The process of creating a plan to allocate resources and forecast income and expenditure over a specific period. It typically involves setting revenue and cost estimates to manage financial performance and ensure strategic objectives can be achieved.


  1. Cost Behavior: This refers to how different types of costs change in response to changes in a company's level of production or activity. Costs can be fixed, variable, or mixed.

  • Fixed Costs: Expenses that do not change with the level of production or sales volume, such as rent, salaries of permanent staff, and insurance premiums.

  • Variable Costs: Costs that vary directly with the level of production, such as costs for raw materials or commission-based wages.

  • Mixed Costs (Semi-variable Costs): Costs that have both fixed and variable components, such as utilities or salaries for salespeople who receive a base salary plus commission.

  • Sales Budget: An estimate of the expected sales revenue for a particular period. It considers factors such as past sales trends, market conditions, and marketing efforts.


  1. Profit Budget: A financial plan that estimates a company’s revenue and subtracts estimated costs and expenses to arrive at a profit. It includes both the Gross Profit Margin and Net Profit Margin calculations.


  1. Cash Budget: A projection of a company's cash inflows and outflows over a specific period. It helps in managing the company's cash flow and ensuring that there is enough cash to meet financial obligations.


  1. Sensitive Analysis (Sensitivity Analysis): A technique used to determine how different values of an independent variable will impact a particular dependent variable under a given set of assumptions. It is used to predict the outcome of a decision given a certain range of variables.


  1. Strategic Adaptation Plans: Plans developed to adjust strategies in response to changes in the company’s internal and external environment to mitigate risks or seize new opportunities.


  1. Contribution Margin: The amount remaining from sales revenue after all variable costs have been deducted, indicating how much revenue contributes to covering fixed costs.


  1. Operating Profit: Profit generated from a company's core business operations, excluding deductions for interest and taxes.


  1. Net Cash Flow: The amount of cash generated or lost over a specific period, calculated by summing all cash inflows and subtracting all cash outflows.


  1. Inter-Teaching: A collaborative learning approach where participants engage in teaching each other through discussion, enhancing understanding through active contribution and interaction.



Task 1: Comprehensive Business Analysis

  • Business Overview and Recent Developments

    • Introduction to the selected public company within the assigned industry.

      • Company Background: Start with basic information about the company—name, year of establishment, location of headquarters, and a brief history.

      • Product Portfolio: Describe the main products or services offered by the company.

      • Market Position: Discuss the company’s current market position, including market share and ranking within the industry.

      • Summary of recent significant developments: mergers, acquisitions, new product launches.

    • Recent Developments: Highlight key events from the last year such as mergers, acquisitions, new product launches, or entry into new markets. This should also include any notable achievements or significant challenges faced.


  • Use the company's annual reports, press releases, and reputable business news sources for this information.

  • Provide citations for all facts and developments mentioned


Procter & Gamble, commonly known as P&G, is a multinational corporation with a rich history dating back to its foundation in 1837. Headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, P&G stands at the forefront of consumer goods, specializing in a diverse range of products that span across personal care, household cleaning, laundry detergents, prescription drugs, and more. Among its famous brands are Tide, Pampers, Gillette, and Oral-B, which have become household names globally. (P&G, 2024) 


Downy, a prominent fabric softener and conditioner brand under the Procter & Gamble umbrella, has a longstanding reputation for providing consumers with products that enhance the feel of clothing, offer long-lasting fragrance, and fabric protection. The brand's lineup includes liquid fabric softeners, dryer sheets, scent beads, and wrinkle releasers. (Downy, 2024) 


  • 2023 Strategic Review

    • Analysis of a strategic decision made in 2023.

    • Evaluation of the decision's impact on performance: financial reports, market reaction.

      • Strategic Decision Identification: Identify a significant strategic decision made in 2023—this could be related to marketing, operations, finance, or corporate strategy.

      • Rationale for the Decision: Explain why the decision was strategic and necessary at that time.

      • Performance Impact Analysis: Analyze how this decision impacted the company's performance. Look at financial indicators before and after the decision, such as changes in revenue, profits, market share, or stock price.

      • Consumer and Market Reaction: Discuss any known reactions from consumers or the market, such as customer feedback, sales trends, or shifts in investor sentiment.


  • Review financial statements, earnings calls, and market analysis reports.

  • Use the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to assess the effectiveness of the strategic decision.

  • Ensure to provide citations from credible sources.

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