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BUSINESS IN SOCIETY - A2 (Template Version)

Provide background context about the company: Year of establishment/ History of the company The primary service The position of the company in the market (Market share, data about the number of flights annually, etc.)

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  • PowerPoint presentation: 2500 words (excluding list of references) submitted as a PDF file displaying both the slide and the elaboration.
  • Analyse a company's response to re-establishing their business after a major disruption and present an analysis focusing on the human aspects of their decisions. 
  • Why they made certain decisions, what they could have done differently
  • Lessons learned for other companies facing disruptions to their business model.



  1. About Qantas 
  2. Company's Response
  3. Human Resource Management 
  4. Customer Service Issue 
  5. Recommendations for HRM
  6. Recommendations for Customer Service
  7. Lessoned learned & Conclusion




  • Stakeholders: Individuals or groups with an interest in or impacted by a company's actions, including both internal (e.g., employees, shareholders) and external parties (e.g., customers, communities, government).
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): A company's commitment to manage the social, environmental, and economic effects of its operations responsibly, extending its accountability beyond shareholders to all stakeholders.
  • Resource Dependence Theory: Suggests organizations rely on external resources (e.g., labor, materials), influencing their strategies and interactions with the environment to secure needed resources and achieve goals.
  • Employee Retention: Strategies employed by organizations to keep employees engaged and prevent turnover, valuing them as key assets rather than expendable resources.
  • Layoff: The process of permanently dismissing employees due to economic downturns or organizational restructuring, posing challenges in terms of lost talent and broken employment ties, yet sometimes deemed necessary for long-term survival.



  1. Introduction
  • Provide background context about the company:
  • Year of establishment/ History of the company 
  • The primary service 
  • The position of the company in the market (Market share, data about the number of flights annually, etc.)


  • In 2022, Qantas commands a 61% market share in the Australian domestic market (source
  • Before Covid-19:  In 2019 Qantas held the greatest share of airline passengers for the year at 17.4 percent in Australia. Australia - share of airline passengers carried 2019 | Statista
    • Qantas Group had a better performance than the global and regional trends, rising from 80.6% to 84.2% (Qantas Group, 2019). Qantas’s return on investment has consistently been above 10%. This indicate that Qantas Group has a good ability to balance passenger demand and supply. The Qantas Group includes Qantas Airways which operates as a full-service carrier, and JetStar Airways which presents a low-cost model.
  • The disruption the company faced to their business model due to Covid-19 
  • The decrease in customers: During 2019-2021, Qantas witnessed a sharp down trend from 55,813 to 15,866 (source)
  • Total revenue loss from COVID reached $16 billion as the full year impact of minimal international travel and multiple waves of domestic border restrictions continued to hit travel demand. The statutory loss before tax – which includes one-off costs such as redundancies and aircraft write downs – was $2.35 billion. Source

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