Professional Communication


Collaborative Podcast

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In this section, we will revisit the assignment's expectations and the steps necessary to complete the assignment effectively.


  1. Assessed criteria:

      Identify and discuss the issues and elements that make Asia modern.

      Examine similarities and differences between Western and Asian modernities.


  1. Assignment details:

      Task: Provide advice about national identity, carrying out research about relevant issues of modernity (culture industries, music, performance, cinema, arts and craft, architecture, language, literature, and much more)

      Format: 10-13 minute podcast


-        The length of the podcast must fall between 10 to 13 minutes. Groups of 3 should aim for 10 and 4 for 13 (~3 min/speaker).

-        The contribution of each team member must be identified in the script. The script must be a document file. In the script, there must be spaces between the words (no rapping, speedrunning or speaking too fast).

-        Can use the format used in the Making Media course for the podcast and script.

-        Intro and outro music are included in the time limit.

-        A minimum of 5 scholarly sources must be included. The final script must have in-text citations and you must read these out loud in the podcast.


-        Compare similarities and differences about an issue or some issues that are interesting to the audience.

-        Use reliable scholarly sources and apply theory as a lens.

-        Each team member must equally participate in the production of this output through research, scripting and speaking roles.

-        Roles and responsibilities to be mentioned in the final script alongside citations and references.

-        Each team member must also provide an individual self evaluation of their own soft skills and hard skills.

    Suggested tools: Audacity, Adobe Audition. Podcast recording can be in MP3 or WAV format, while the script Word or pdf format.

      Suggested assignment structure:

-        Introduction

-        Presenting guests/host/relevant information

-        Theory explanation

-        Sections

-        Ending



In this segment, we will take another look at the terminology associated with assignment that is discussed within the context of the course.






Modernity is a condition that is the outcome of a series of historic progress. A modern society can be coined as industrial civilization, and according to the scholar Giddens, it is essentially ‘a transformation in the social perception’ (Tomlinson 1994:150).


To be modern is to have transitioned from the old to the new.

Hall and Gieben’s (1992) areas of modern societies

According to Hall and Gieben (1992), the four contributors of modern communities are: politics, economy, society and culture. Regarding the assignment, it is recommended to delve deep into social relations and cultural practices.

Multiple modernities

This concept was brought about by the West when these countries tried to implement their perception on various societies around the globe. Thanks to this notion though, people begin to see modernization as multifaceted and complex. Elements of multiple modernities are institutional frameworks and cultural codes (Bhambra 2007).

Appadurai’s (1996) “Modernity at Large”

To understand the complexity of the global economy, certain separations regarding economic, cultural and political aspects have to be studied. Therefore, the following dimensions of global cultural flows are suggested:

-        Ethnoscape: flow/movement of people

-        Mediascape: flow of information and images

-        Technoscape: flow of technology

-        Financescape: flow of capital

-        Ideoscape: flow of ideas




Appadurai A (1996) Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalisation,

University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.


Bhambra G (2007) Rethinking Modernity: Postcolonialism and the Sociological Imagination, Palgrave Macmillan, London.


Hall S and Gieben B (1992) Formations of Modernity, Polity Press, Cambridge, UK.


Tomlinson J (1994) ‘A Phenomenology of Globalization? Giddens on Global Modernity’, European Journal of Communication, 9(2):149-172, doi:10.1177/0267323194009002003.


In this step, we will discuss in detail each component and its requirements within the assignment.



Based on your selection of podcast themes, your podcast is going to need a distinct style of sound effects. Intro and outro jingles are mandatory to create the suitable atmosphere for listeners, whereas filler sounds in between sections of conversations are also recommended for a nuanced feel. To illustrate, you can easily use a sound effect for roughly 5 seconds serving as a transition between the introduction and the body of the podcast.

Several sites for a diverse selection of royalty-free sound effects can be found here: Pixabay, Freesound, Mixkit, SoundBible, etc.


TIPS: Check out professional, casual or unique podcast types all around media platforms like YouTube and Spotify. Keep in mind your podcast is overseen by the Ministry, so try to combine different types of jingles, music or effects in your podcast to make it stand out!

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