Digital Marketing


Introduction Brief background of chosen company Purpose and overview of report

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  • Conducted comprehensive analysis of a chosen website, including audience demographics and keyword research.
  • Optimized on-page elements such as title tags, headings, and meta descriptions for enhanced search visibility.
  • Improved backlink profile and site speed to enhance SEO performance and increase organic traffic.
  • Provided data-driven recommendations backed by research to further improve the website's search engine marketing effectiveness.


  1. Introduction
  2. Audience Analysis
  3. Keyword Research
  4. On-page Optimisation
  5. Off-page Optimisation
  6. Conclusion




  1. Traffic Sources:

Direct (direct URL visits), Organic (search engine), Social (social media referrals), Referrals (other sites), Email, Display Ads etc. Shows the main channels driving traffic.


  1. Short-tail vs Long-tail keywords:

Short-tail keywords consist of 1-2 words, often broad and high search volume terms (eg. "shoes", "hotel deals")

Long-tail keywords consist of 3 or more words, more specific and niche with lower search volume (eg. "black running shoes for women", "boutique hotel deals in Vietnam")


  1. Stage of search: Refers to the stage in the buyer's journey that a keyword represents

(eg. Awareness - Broad informational queries/Consideration - More specific research queries /Decision - Highly specific queries with intent to purchase)


  1. Type of search query:
  • Informational - Seeking knowledge, data, or advice
  • Navigational - Looking for a specific website or page
  • Transactional - Ready to purchase a product or service (highest conversion value)
  1. On-page optimisation
  • Page URL - The unique web address that leads to a specific page on a website. Usually contains keywords relevant to the content.
  • Title Tag - HTML element that specifies the title of a web page. Displays in search engine results. Optimised title tags contain key keywords and compel clicks.
  • Meta Description - A short summary of a web page used in search results snippets. Concise descriptions optimise for chosen keywords.
  • Headings - HTML elements like <H1>, <H2> used to structure content into headings and subheadings. Help search engines understand topic and keywords.





  1. Introduction
  • Brief background of chosen company
  • Purpose and overview of report


Guardian, a leading health and beauty retail chain founded in 1972 in Singapore, now focuses on expanding its online presence through "Guardian Online". This platform aims to not only facilitate online sales across various categories such as skincare, cosmetics, health supplements, and personal care but also to enhance brand awareness and attract organic web traffic. The analysis of Guardian's online platform seeks to evaluate its current search engine marketing strategies to develop more effective methods for boosting the brand's online visibility and customer engagement.


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