Digital Marketing


Creative Brief & Content Calendar

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-        Task: Develop two items for a Simulated Client MOT:

  1. Creative Brief:

      Length: 5 pages, approximately 750 words, double-spaced.

      Exclusions: Cover page, reference list, and appendix are not included in the word/ page count.

  1. Content Calendar:

      Length: 1 page, approximately 250 words.

      Format: Must be presented inside a chart template as specified.

This assignment focuses on creating a comprehensive content strategy and calendar, integrating the learnings from the initial weeks of the course.



  1. Creative Brief

-        Project Information:

-        Research

-        Objectives, Metrics & KPIs

-        Propose content strategy

-        The Big Idea and Content Pillar

-        Brand guidelines/ identity

  1. Content Calendar

-        Content ideas:

-        Channels

-        Time

-        Calendar template



-        A creative brief is a short document that outlines the strategy of a content creation project steps-by-steps. The creative brief serves as a direction for everyone in a content team so that the content created by any member/team is aligned to the project aims and objectives.

-        A content calendar (also known as an "editorial calendar") is a written schedule used to organize the publication of your content across platforms.

-        SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This framework is designed to set clear and attainable goals within a specific timeframe, ensuring that objectives are practical and well-defined.

      Specific: Goals should be clear and specific, so everyone understands what's expected.

      Measurable: There should be a tangible way to measure progress towards achieving the goal.

      Achievable: Goals must be realistically attainable within the available resources and time.

      Relevant: The goal should align with broader business or project objectives.

      Time-bound: There needs to be a clear deadline to create a sense of urgency and focus.

-        RACE stands for Reach, Act, Convert, and Engage. It is a digital marketing model designed to streamline the customer journey and optimize marketing strategies.

      Reach: Involves building awareness and visibility of your brand, product, or service.

      Act: Encourages interactions and leads potential customers to take the next step (like visiting a website).

      Convert: Focused on converting interactions into transactions, turning prospects into customers.

      Engage: Aims to develop long-term relationships, encouraging repeat purchases and loyalty.




  1. Creative Brief

1.1. Project Information:

-        You should introduce your campaign key information such as brand introduction and requirements, campaign name, and campaign timeline (major dates for the first, second, or third stages).

-        Brand introduction:

+      Year of establishment:

Example: January 28, 2018 is the milestone that brand ONE was born at the Phuoc Binh factory in District 8, Ho Chi Minh City.

+      Slogan:

Example: "MOT for all" =>“One pair all day” => With the advent of many shoe brands with countless designs and colors, ONE seeks to differentiate itself from the question "Why does each person need "an extra pair of shoes"?

+      Product:

Example: Their products are designed to be suitable for all outfits and occasions, reflecting a commitment to simplicity, functionality, and style. The brand seeks to promote minimalism in fashion, encouraging consumers to focus on what's essential and avoid unnecessary consumption.

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