Digital Marketing


Written Content & Photo Essay

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-        The assignment requirements for the "Written Content and Photo Essay" are as follows:

+       Individually, students are tasked to produce three deliverables:

      A short-form Facebook content piece acting as a teaser for the long-form content

      A long-form content piece for a website blog between 1200-1500 words

      A photo essay consisting of six original photos with a maximum of 200 words for photo descriptions​​.

+       The simulated client is the Vietnamese shoe brand Một, and students' content should reflect the brand identity and align with one of five thematic areas defined for the brand, maintaining consistency across various content types and channels​​.


  1. Long-form content
  2. Short-form content
  3. Photo essay



-        SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, refers to the process of optimizing a website or online content to increase its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). The goal of SEO is to enhance the quantity and quality of traffic to a website through organic search engine results. This involves using various techniques and strategies, such as incorporating relevant keywords, improving site loading speed, ensuring mobile-friendliness, creating high-quality content, and obtaining backlinks from other reputable sites. The effectiveness of SEO is measured by the site's ranking for specific keywords or phrases relevant to the site's content or industry.

-        Brand Identity: The visible elements of a brand (such as colors, design, logo, etc.) that together identify and distinguish the brand in consumers' minds.

-        Content Strategy & Tactical Execution: The overall plan and specific actions for creating and disseminating content that aligns with the brand's goals and identity.

-        Visual Production Design: The process of planning and creating the visual elements of your project, ensuring they align with the brand's identity and the assignment's requirements.



With the content pillar in assignment 1 being "Sustainability in Fashion", we will have the main content of assignment 2 as follows:

1.     Long-form content

This section will be posted on the Subpage of the MOT website called "A new style for a new gen"

1.1. Opening Vignette:

-        Word Count Estimate: 150-200 words.

-        Engage readers with a brief, compelling introduction to the topic of sustainability in fashion and Một's role in it.


In the heart of bustling Hanoi, where traditional meets contemporary, we find a small but significant beacon of change - Một, our Vietnamese shoe brand. Amid the myriad of shops, Một stands out not just for its sleek designs but for our commitment to something much larger than fashion itself – sustainability.

Our journey, from sourcing eco-friendly materials to crafting shoes that speak volumes about responsible fashion, mirrors a growing global movement. A movement that redefines luxury, not in terms of extravagance, but as a harmonious blend of style and sustainability.

We hope that every customer when they step into our store, they will step into the future of fashion -  a future where each stitch and seam carries the promise of a more sustainable, thoughtful world.


-        Start with a Strong Hook: Begin with an engaging sentence or idea that immediately captures the reader's attention. This could be a vivid description, an intriguing fact, or a thought-provoking question about sustainability in fashion.

-        Set the Scene Visually: Use descriptive language to paint a picture of the setting or context. For Một, you might describe the bustling streets of Hanoi or the elegant simplicity of their store, creating a vivid backdrop for your narrative.

-        Introduce MOT Early On: Mention Một in the first few sentences. Clearly establish them as the focus of your vignette, linking them seamlessly to the broader theme of sustainability.

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