Digital Marketing


Group Digital Video Content

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-        The assignment requires you to demonstrate competence in course learning objectives by preparing a digital video strategy and execution content for a simulated client project.

-        The main tasks include developing and producing one digital video content, based on previous class discussions and your editorial content calendar from Assignment 1, and a presentation deck of approximately 20 slides (±2000 words).

-        The digital video should be 1 to 2 minutes long and align with the project's aims and objectives, and the presentation deck should detail your content strategy, digital video strategy, and reflections on the media production process.



  1. Presentation Deck

      Content Strategy

      Digital Video Strategy and Planning

      Creative Concept

      Evaluation of Video Content Effectiveness

      Reflections and Lessons Learned

  1. Digital Video Content



-        Content Strategy: The planning, development, and management of informational content—written or in other media. It focuses on the creation, delivery, and governance of content, ensuring that it is useful and usable.

-        Digital Video Strategy: A plan for using video content to achieve digital marketing goals. It involves choosing the right video types, platforms, and metrics to effectively engage the target audience.

-        KPIs (Key Performance Indicators): Quantifiable measures used to evaluate the success of an organization, employee, etc., in meeting objectives for performance.

-        3 Act Structure: A model used in narrative fiction that divides a story into three parts (acts), namely the setup, the confrontation, and the resolution.

-        Storyboard: A visual representation of a film sequence and breaks down the action into individual panels. It sketches out how a video will unfold, shot by shot.

-        Pre-Production: The stage before filming starts which involves planning, scripting, storyboarding, and setting up the budget and schedule.

-        Production: The phase of video creation when the actual recording of the video takes place.

-        Post-Production: The stage after filming, where the video is edited, sound is mixed, and visual effects are added.

-        Dan Harmon Story Circle: A story structure model created by writer Dan Harmon. It breaks a narrative down into eight steps that loop back to the beginning, creating a circular journey.



  1. Presentation Deck

1.1. Content Strategy (400 words):

-        Recap your editorial content calendar from Assignment 1.

-        Define and explain the campaign name, timeline, persona, content journey, big idea, key message, brand identity, voice, personality, and content pillars.


+      Campaign Name: "Simplicity in Every Step"

+      Timeline: Spanning from March to August 2024

+      Persona: Mindful →A person who wears Một shoes is likely someone who is intentional in their actions and decisions, values quality and sustainability, and leads a lifestyle that prioritizes mindfulness in both consumption and daily living. They are likely to be seen as thoughtful, considerate, and purpose-driven, with a calm and collected demeanor that reflects their minimalist and meaningful approach to life.

+      SWOT Analysis:


      MOT's signature shoe design is unique in the Vietnamese market.

      The brand has clear and appealing values and messages, which are consistently communicated.

      Their focus on sustainable consumption and minimalism aligns with current societal trends and creates a distinctive brand personality.


      Weaknesses in SEO have been identified.

      There's a lack of content format diversity on social media;

      User-generated content (UGC) is insufficient.

      The brand’s goal of sustainable consumption requires continuous expansion of their customer base.


      The shoe market's revenue has rebounded post-pandemic, with growth noted: In 2020, the global Footwear market size was USD 271820 million and it is expected to reach USD 328020 million by the end of 2027, with a CAGR of 2.4 Percent during 2021-2027.

      There is a trend in the fashion market towards minimalism and sustainability, with eco-friendly shoes gaining market share.


      Vietnamese brands are developing quickly and offering reasonable costs.

      Social media engagement and reach are lower compared to competitors like Ananas and Biti's.

      Vietnamese consumers show a preference for international shoe brands such as Nike and Adidas.

+      Customer Journey: Begins with raising awareness about sustainable fashion, progresses through showcasing Mot’s eco-friendly products, and culminates in driving customer action.


+      Social media: Tik Tok, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.

+      Search engine


+      Website, Search engine

+      Influencers (affiliate)

+      Community groups


+      Website

+      Social media


+      Social media


Content Strategy Recap:

+      Big Idea: "Simplicity in Every Step"

+      Key Message and Call to Action: "Navigate Life with MOT" – inviting customers to align their fashion choices with a sustainable and straightforward lifestyle. The campaign motivates individuals to embrace mindful living, starting with one sustainable step at a time.

+      Brand Identity, Voice, and Personality:

      Brand logo

      Brand color

      Brand typography

      Brand voice

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