Digital Fashion Marketing Strategies - A2

Written report: focusing on a chosen fashion brand from Assessment 1 to analyze digital opportunities and challenges, addressing market-specific impacts, target audience analysis, marketing objectives, and formulated brand strategies. Group Presentation

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A/ Assignment Recap

      Written report: focusing on a chosen fashion brand from Assessment 1 to analyze digital opportunities and challenges, addressing market-specific impacts, target audience analysis, marketing objectives, and formulated brand strategies.

      Group Presentation


Here are suggested structure


I. Introduction

II. Overview of the Chosen Fashion Brand

III. Opportunities and Challenges in Digital Marketing

A.    Opportunities in the Digital World

B.     Challenges in the Digital World

IV. Target Market Analysis

V. Marketing Objectives

VI. Brand Strategies Based on Analysis

A.    Digital Marketing Strategies

B.     Implementation Plan

VII. Conclusion

VIII. References

IX. Appendices


B/ Key term definition

      Competitive Strategies: The set of planned actions and approaches employed by a company to gain a competitive advantage over rivals in the industry, often involving tactics related to pricing, product differentiation, marketing, and distribution.

      Target Market: Specific segments of the population that a company aims to reach with its products or services based on demographic, psychographic, and behavioral characteristics.

      Marketing Objectives: Clear, measurable goals established by a company to guide its marketing efforts, typically aligned with broader business objectives and intended to achieve specific outcomes within a defined timeframe.

      Brand Strategies: Comprehensive plans outlining how a brand aims to position itself in the market, communicate its value proposition, and build relationships with its target audience, often encompassing elements of product, pricing, promotion, and distribution strategies.


C/ Detailed guideline


I. Introduction

-        2-3 sentences: Introduction to the chosen fashion brand

Example: Libé is a renowned Vietnamese fashion brand that specializes in trendy and vibrant interpretations of modern clothing, exuding a youthful and feminine vibe while maintaining a fast fashion approach..

-        1-2 sentences: Purpose and scope of the report

Example: Delve into the digital opportunities and challenges impacting Libé's competitive strategies to sustain and expand its market presence.

II. Overview of the Chosen Fashion Brand

-        3-5 sentences: History and background of the brand

Example:  Established in 2013, gained recognition for its contemporary twist on Vietnamese fashion, appealing to both local and international audiences.

-        3-5 sentences: Brand's current market position

Example: Libé stands as one of the top brands in Vietnam's fast fashion landscape, recognized for its innovation and trend-setting designs.

III. Opportunities and Challenges in Digital Marketing

A. Opportunities in the Digital World

-        Identify 3 to 5 prospects within the digital marketing realm that the brand can capitalize on to enhance its brand strategy (provide supporting evidence and recommend each opportunity).

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