● Explored values and motivations.
● Identified a brand/product/campaign that meets personal needs.
● Discussed self-concept, self-extension, and social props.
● Explored actual versus ideal self and components of self.
● Analyzed consumption constellations and personality traits.
● Took a personality test and evaluated its accuracy.
● Searched for a fashion brand campaign that aligns with individual personality.
Suggested structure:
I. Introduction
II. Values
III. Motivations
IV. Brands meets my needs
V. My key props
VI. Personality test
VII. Brand campaign appeals my personalities
1. Value: a personal assessment of the net worth a consumer obtains from an activity
2. Motivation: the expression of a need that leads the consumer to make a purchase. Working on a subconscious level, it is something that is not easily measured.
3. Needs: essential requirements or desires that individuals seek to fulfill in order to maintain their well-being and satisfaction.
I. Introduction
Write a brief introduction about yourself and assignment.
The fashion industry requires understanding brand-consumer insights to quickly provide products. Understanding personal values, motivations, and needs through personality tests helps refine assessments and better understand consumption behavior.
II. Values
Based on the value list in week 2 slides (personal values, LOV), choose at least 2 values that suit you.
Define the values chosen (meaning) and explain why you fit them.
Theoretical attitude is the ideal type, focused on learning and organizing knowledge, with a unique focus on objectifying, identifying, differentiating, generalizing, rationalizing, and systematizing information (Morgado 1995).
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