Professional Communication

FOUNDATION OF PR - A1 (Template Version)

Identify and discuss key aspects of the development, and principles and practices, of modern PR. Identify and analyze contexts in which PR practitioners operate as well as relevant professional issues

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In this section, we will revisit the assignment's expectations and the steps necessary to complete the assignment effectively.


  1. Assessed criteria:
  • Identify and discuss key aspects of the development, and principles and practices, of modern PR.
  • Identify and analyze contexts in which PR practitioners operate as well as relevant professional issues
  1. Assignment details:
  • Requirement: evaluate the influence, importance and relevance of various stakeholders to a company/brand’s operations
  • Format: A3 stakeholder map
  • Objectives:
  • A maximum of 500 words is allowed.
  • A minimum of 6 stakeholders is required to be elaborated on, with each having their own captioned box to provide explanation on 2 things: the type of stakeholder and who they are in relation to your organization.
  • You are expected to apply understanding and analysis of communication, stakeholder and public relations theories learnt in the course to back your claims.
  • At least 3 theories/frameworks/models (preferably those learnt in the course by week 4) must be included in your work.
  • Suggested tools: Canva, Adobe InDesign for designing your map
  • Assignment structure: These are the must-have components of your stakeholder map
  • Power-Interest matrix
  • Legend tables (classification table, communication channels table and theories table)
  • Captioned boxes for explaining stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities



In this segment, we will take another look at the terminology associated with assignment that is discussed within the context of the course.




Persuasion/Social influence theories

  1. Social Exchange theory: Since social conduct is a trade, this theory believes that a person would depart or keep a connection after considering the advantages and negatives.
  2. Social Learning theory: This concept is about learning from and modeling social acts and attitudes may influence a person's behavior. It has four learning aspects: community, identity, meaning, and practice.

Mass media theories

  1. Agenda setting: Determining what the media is saying about a topic by doing this. If we don't know anything about watermelons and the media says they're unhealthy, it's establishing an agenda.
  2. Media framing: This involves emphasizing one feature of a seen reality to support or reject an interpretation, definition, appraisal, etc.

Grunig and Hunt’s 4 models of PR

A framework classifying approaches to PR strategic practice. It has four components:

  1. Press agentry: one-way communication without truth validity. Used to convince audiences. Sports and entertainment industries use it most.
  2. Public information: remains one-way, but accuracy is stressed for information dissemination. Often used by government.
  3. Two-way asymmetrical: The interaction is imbalanced since the corporation simply wants to learn the audience's perspectives and provide appropriate messaging. Political campaigns and health administrations use it most.
  4. Two-way symmetrical: This PR style promotes genuine communication between parties and is considered best. It aims to foster understanding and negotiation. Many NGOs, corporations, and government agencies use it.



In this step, we will discuss in detail each component and its requirements within the assignment.


For this assignment, the stakeholder map of PharmaCity produced by student Dinh Ha My, which is displayed on the RMIT Showcase website, will be used as an example.



The following list can help you identify stakeholders:

  • Board of directors/Managers
  • Employees
  • Customers/Consumers
  • Competitors
  • Government authorities
  • Partners: These include investors, insurance firms, shareholders (distinct from stakeholders), and more—almost any business your company interacts with.



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