Professional Communication

FOUNDATION OF PR - A3 (Template Version)

Identify and discuss key aspects of the development, and principles and practices, of modern PR. Examine links between PR, communication theory and applied communication practice. Identify and analyze contexts in which PR practitioners operate as well as relevant professional issues

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In this section, we will revisit the assignment's expectations and the steps necessary to complete the assignment effectively.


  1. Assessed criteria:
  • Identify and discuss key aspects of the development, and principles and practices, of modern PR.
  • Examine links between PR, communication theory and applied communication practice.
  • Identify and analyze contexts in which PR practitioners operate as well as relevant professional issues
  1. Assignment details:
  • Requirement: Analyze a case study of a PR campaign, then provide a recommended communication plan adapting that campaign in another context/country.
  • Format: 35-slide pitch deck for a 15-minute presentation and 5-minute Q&A session; a 2,500-word written report about your own communication plan



In this segment, we will take another look at the terminology associated with assignment that is discussed within the context of the course.




Marketing mix (4Ps)

Business uses the marketing mix, or 4Ps model, to identify the four essential aspects of a marketing plan. Product, pricing, site, and marketing. This model addresses key marketing mix elements for a well-rounded and successful product/service promotion and sale.

AIDA model

Marketing uses the AIDA model to describe the buying process: attention, interest, desire, and action. It resembles the consumer journey.

Public affairs and government relations

  • Public Affairs: PR handles government/local administration-citizen communication.
  • Government Relations: PR to handle communication between an organization and enabling publics (government, etc.)

Media relations

Manage organization-media relations (mass media and influencers/KOLs).

  • Organization = approved spokesperson
  • Media = editors, journalists
  • Social media stars

News values

Journalists and news organizations use news values to evaluate stories. News articles are chosen and presented using these values.





In this step, we will discuss in detail each component and its requirements within the assignment.




Choose a brand from the case study campaign and the Vietnamese market. You shouldn't select Three UK since they're not in Vietnam.


For this instruction guideline, Gillette’s 2021 “Man Enough” PR campaign in India is selected as an example.


  • Original PR campaign context: 100-150 words
    • This part must provide market context and any social problem the PR campaign addresses. These factors may include social concerns, brand reputation, industry circumstances, target audience, etc.


  • Demonstration of your understanding of the PR planning process, using PR theories and concepts: 200-250 words



Thus, Gillette used the hashtag “#shavingstereotypes” to spread their message to Indians about avoiding shaving stereotypes. First, Gillette created a content film on general M.K. Sinha's survival and emotional reunion with his father. To hide his combat scar, he grew a beard, but he subsequently shaved it, sending the message that it's okay to feel and express emotions. Gillette also collaborated with groups and powerful people on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to develop user-generated material like masculinity words and poetry (see Figure 1). This was then picked up by celebrities, notably Bollywood stars, and acquired viral popularity.

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