Digital Marketing


Report On A Global Brand Equity

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A/ Assignment Recap

      Choose a global brand

      Identify brand equity performance

      Analyze internationalization strategies


Here are suggested structure:

I/ Introduction

II/ Brand equity performance

  1. Brand equity performance 1
  2. Brand equity performance 2
  3. Brand equity performance 3

III/ Brand internationalization

  1. Standardization strategy
  1. Target Segment
  2. Positioning
  1. Adaptation strategy

IV/ Conclusion


TIPS: You should choose a well-known brand, as this kind of brand has higher possibilities to expand into many countries, which is easier to write.


B/ Key term definition


Brand equity has 4 aspects: Brand loyalty, Brand awareness, Brand associations and Perceived value:


      Brand loyalty:

      Occurs when consumers make repeat purchases of a brand

      Can enable reduced marketing costs since consumers are already loyal.

      Loyal customers demand their preferred brands, regardless of convenience or price.

      Brand awareness:

      The first stage of brand experience

      Strength of brand in consumer’s memory

      The degree to which consumers precisely associate a brand with a specific product

      Strong brand awareness leads to high sales and high market share

      Brand associations

      Brand associations are images and symbols associated with a brand or a brand benefit.

      Brand associations are key factors that drive the development of brand relationships because brand associations produce brand loyalty.

      Perceived value

      Customers’ perceptions of the overall quality or superiority of a product or service with respect to its intended purpose, relative to alternatives.

      Perceived quality is an overall feeling about a brand, though typically based on underlying dimensions including product characteristics, such as reliability and performance.


      Standardization: Global standardization is the ability to use standard marketing internationally – from one country to the next, and across various cultures.

      Adaptation means tailoring marketing to appeal to the cultural or demographic particulars of customers in the new market


C/ Detailed guideline


I/ Introduction

You have to satisfy 2 points:

      Introduce the background of the brand: UNIQLO

      History of the brand & some key features about their brand's story/mission:


Example: The first UNIQLO store was launched in June 1984. With 40 years in this industry, UNIQLO always follows a mission of unlocking the power of clothing, since they believe that they can turn clothing into a force for good: By designing, making and selling good pieces, they could make the world a better place (Sustainability at UNIQLO)

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