Digital Marketing


Complete Brand Launch Project

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A/ Assignment Recap


      Use the brand in Assignment 2 & introduce it

      Identify its strengths and weaknesses when going globally

      Choose 5 countries that the brand should enter

      Analyze and choose which country is the best

      Provide a brand launch in that country


Here are suggested structure


I/ Introduction

II/ Market Benchmarking & selection

  1. Country macro analysis summary
  2. Brand vulnerabilities and opportunities

III/ Brand Launch


B/ Definition


Overall assessment:

-        Leverageable strengths: Strengths that can be useful in the new country's environment.

-        Brand vulnerabilities: Weaknesses that will be exposed to threats in the new country's environment.

-        Opportunity assessment: Market attractiveness for this brand in the new host country.


Macro environment: the set of conditions that exist in the economy as a whole, rather than in a particular sector or region.

-        Economic-Geographic environment: climate, natural resources, topography, GDP, inflation, interest rates, currency value (exchange rates), personal income, etc.

-        Social-Cultural environment: religion, languages, beliefs, customs and habits, demographic trends, etc.

-        Political-Legal environment: laws, government agencies, tariffs and other taxes, foreign exchange controls, ownership restrictions, etc.


Micro environment: the environment which is in direct contact with the company and affects the routine activities of business straight away.


Core issues:

-        Challenges: Inherent characteristics of the new market that make it difficult for the entry of the brand.

-        Threats: Possible difficulties the brand may face when entering the market/ country in the future.

-        Vulnerabilities: Weaknesses that will be exposed to threats in the new country's environment.



-        Standardization: the practice of ensuring consistent products, marketing, or branding elements across all markets that the company expands to, which aims to maintain an universal brand experience, minimize variation costs and difficulties.

-        Adaptation: the art of tailoring different branding and marketing implementation aspects to the specific needs of the local markets, with an aim to improve consumer experience and build stronger brand equity in the new market.



C/ Detailed guideline


I/ Introduction


Slide 1: History/Background of the brand (name, establishment, industry, products/ product lines, etc.)



Phở 10 Lý Quốc Sư, a beloved family-run Pho restaurant in the heart of Hanoi, was established in 1987 by Mr. Nguyen Thi Lien. This culinary destination is renowned for its commitment to the traditional Pho culture. As noted in Thach Lam's book "Hanoi's Thirty-Six Old Streets and Wards," Pho is considered a unique delicacy of Hanoi, particularly celebrated for its distinctive flavor in the city. The restaurant is famous for its Phở bò sốt vang, a unique Pho variant with a wine-based sauce.


Slide 2: Introduce brand internationalization strategy, its challenges when going globally

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