Global Business


CSR & ITS Benefits Report


A/ Assessment Recap:

Write a 1,500-word report in which you:

    Define CSR in your own words and explain that it is complex, with many different sides to it. Use research articles to support your definition. 

    Explain how CSR helps companies, using examples from research articles. Show how CSR can be part of a company's business strategy.

    Pick one large global company and use information from its websites and reports to explain how it benefits from CSR.

    Use at least 5 academic peer-reviewed references for objective perspective


Suggested Structure:

       I.          Executive Summary (Suggested 100 words)

     II.          CSR Definition (Suggested 550 words)

   III.          CSR Benefits

A.    Section 1 (Suggested 400 words)

B.    Section 2  (Suggested 250 words)

   IV.          Conclusion (Suggested 200 words)

    V.          References

B/ Keywords Explanation:

1. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): CSR means companies doing good things beyond making money, like helping the environment or supporting communities. For example, a company might recycle a lot to be more environmentally friendly.


2. Reputation and Brand Image: This is about how people see a company. If a company does nice things like donating to charities or being eco-friendly, people think it's a good company. For instance, a company using recycled materials gets known as an Earth-friendly brand.


3. Employee Recruitment and Retention: This is about getting and keeping good workers. When a company does things like volunteering or supporting good causes, it attracts and keeps talented employees. For example, a company offering volunteer programs keeps its employees happy and engaged.


4. Risk Management: Companies use CSR to handle problems. If a company cares about the environment or treats workers well, it's less likely to have big issues. For instance, a company that uses eco-friendly materials avoids problems with laws about pollution.


5. Competitive Advantage: This means being better than other companies. If a company is known for doing good things, it stands out. For example, a company saying it uses clean energy stands out from others in the market.


6. Sustainability Reports: These are papers companies write about the good things they're doing. For example, a company might write a report about how it's reducing waste or using materials that don't harm the planet.


7. Stakeholder Communications: This is about talking to everyone involved with the company. For example, a company might use social media to tell customers about the good things it's doing and ask for their opinions.


8. Impact Assessment: This is about checking if the good things a company is doing are really making a difference. For example, a company might measure how much less pollution it's making because of its good practices.


C/ Detailed Outline

I. Executive Summary

-        In 4-5 first sentences: An executive summary briefly summarizes the key points of a report in a concise way. To write an effective executive summary, state the purpose of the report, highlight the main findings/arguments, and leave out unnecessary details.




The purpose of this essay is to examine the idea of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its purported advantages. A wide range of scholarly works are consulted in order to obtain a thorough understanding of the development of corporate social responsibility. The study comes to the conclusion that there are several definitions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the contemporary business environment. Consequently, it is advised that corporate social responsibility (CSR) be measured from multiple angles and incorporate thorough understanding in order to support CSR-integrated business objectives.



Tips and Tricks:

       Keep it short and Focus on the most important points only

       Include purpose, scope, methods, key findings, and conclusions

       Should be written last after having finished the report


II.CSR Definitions

      Define CSR in your own words based on academic research (check the subject notes/slides/workbook for definition) and say that there are different views on what CRS is.


-        Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to a company's commitment to conducting its business in an ethical and sustainable manner, while also considering its impact on society and the environment.


-        “Social responsibility is the obligation of decision makers to take actions which protect and improve the welfare of society along with their own interests” (Davis 1975)

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