Global Business


Report On Darling Dresses

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As a CSR manager:

● Analyze how Darling Dresses is involved in the situation in Myanmar.

● Identify the key stakeholders impacted and how they are affected.

● Explain Darling Dresses' responsibilities according to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

● Consider other factors Darling Dresses should account for in deciding whether to stay in or exit Myanmar.

● Make a recommendation on whether Darling Dresses should keep sourcing from or leave Myanmar, explaining how they can remain responsible either way.


CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility): This refers to a company's efforts to do good things for society, like protecting the environment or treating workers fairly. It's about businesses caring for more than just making money.

● UNGPs (United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights): These are rules made by the United Nations for companies to follow so they respect people's rights. They guide businesses on how to act responsiblyand not harm people.

● Stakeholders: Stakeholders are all the people and groups affected by what a company does. This includes workers, customers, local communities, and even the environment.

● Due Diligence: This means a company carefully checks everything to avoid harming people or breaking laws. It's like doing homework to make sure their actions don't cause problems.

● Ethical Considerations: These are the moral choices a company has to think about, like whether their actions are right or wrong. It's about doing things that are fair and good, not just legal.

● Local Communities: These are the groups of people living in the area where a company operates. When a company works in a place, it can affect the lives of these local people.

● Business Interests: This refers to what a company wants to achieve to make money and be successful. It's about the goals and plans a company has to grow and earn profits.

● Political Instability: This means when a country's government or political situation is not steady or safe. It can include things like protests, changes in leaders, or conflict.

● Economic Role: This is about how a company impacts the economy of a place. It can involve creating jobs, buying goods, or influencing how much money people in the area have.

● CSR Strategy: A CSR strategy is a plan a company makes to be socially responsible. It's how they decide to do good things for society and the environment in their business.

● Implementation Strategy: This is a company's plan on how to put their decisions into action. It's like a step-by-step guide for the company to follow to make their ideas work.

● Social Audit: A social audit is a way of checking how well a company is doing in terms of being socially responsible. It's like a report card on their efforts to be good to people and the environment.

● Supply Chain: This is the entire process of making and selling a product, from getting the raw materials to delivering the finished product to customers. It involves all the steps and people that are part of making something.

● Human Rights Due Diligence; This is when a company makes sure that its actions don't harm people's basic rights. It's about checking everything they do to avoid causing harm to people.


       I.        Introduction

  Expected Outcome: Establishes the context of the discussion and clarifies the focus on Darling Dresses' involvement in Myanmar.

  Importance: This section is crucial to set the tone for the presentation and provide a clear understanding of the topic to the audience.


Suggested Script Structure:

   Introduce the Topic (Suggested 20-30 Words)

First 1-2 sentences:

Mention the Company and Location: Start by naming Darling Dresses and its operations in Myanmar to establish the subject of the presentation.

Highlight the Presentation's Focus: Clearly state that the discussion will center around the company's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives in the context of Myanmar.

Example: "Today, we'll explore Darling Dresses' operations in Myanmar, focusing on our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives."

   State Your Position on the Company's Involvement (Suggested 40-50 Words)

Next 2-3 sentences:

Express Company Stance: Clearly articulate Darling Dresses' position regarding their operations in Myanmar. This could include mentioning commitments to CSR and how these are being challenged or upheld in the current scenario.

Highlight Complexities: Acknowledge the complexities of operating in Myanmar, such as human rights concerns and public perception issues as outlined in the upcoming report and social media feedback

Example:  "While Darling Dresses has positively impacted the fashion industry in Myanmar, our role in promoting ethical practices amidst political turmoil presents a complex challenge."

   Main Ideas to Consider for Your Position

Ethical Dilemma: You could start by highlighting the ethical dilemma faced by Darling Dresses in Myanmar, balancing business interests with social responsibility.


   Since the military takeover in 2021, human rights have significantly deteriorated (World Bank 2022).

   Operating in a politically volatile environment raises ethical concerns about complicity in human rights violations.

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