Global Business


State the Purpose Begin with a clear statement of the report's objective For example: "This report examines the impact of international trade policies on regional economic cooperation, with a focus on ASEAN countries." Highlight Key Policy Mention a specific policy or case study that will be central to your analysis.

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A/ Assessment Recap 

Students are required to analyze a regional economic integration zone (REI) and trade policies between a member country and Vietnam.

Suggested structure

  1. Introduction (1st requirement must be mentioned in the introduction - your chosen REI)
  2. Analysis of the REI (2nd requirement)
  3. Analysis of "your country" (3rd requirement)
  4. Conclusion
  5. Appendices 
  6. References (RMIT Harvard style only)


B/ Keywords Explanation


  1. Regional economic integration (REI) - Formal trade agreement between countries in a geographic region to reduce barriers to trade and investment.


  1. Trade corridor - Major route used for trade between key economic centers.


  1. Trade hub - Strategic focal point for trade and logistics activity due to location.


  1. Commodity - Basic good used in commerce that is interchangeable with other commodities of the same type.


  1. PEST analysis - Framework to assess external Political, Economic, Social, and Technological factors affecting an organization/country.


  1. PESTEL analysis - Expanded PEST analysis also considering Environmental and Legal factors.


  1. Trade barrier - Any obstacle that impedes international trade, like tariffs, quotas, or sanctions.


  1. Trade policy - Rules, regulations, and agreements that affect trade between countries.


  1. Comparative advantage - When a country can produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than other countries.


  1.  Absolute advantage - When a country is more productive at producing a good than another country.


C/  Food for Hungry Thoughts


Brunnstrom, David, and Michael Martina. “APEC 2023: What You Need to Know about San Francisco Summit | Reuters.” Reuters, 15 Nov. 2023,


Hailu, MB. “Regional Economic Integration in Africa: Challenges and Prospects.” Mizan Law Review, no. 2, African Journals Online (AJOL), May 2015, p. 299. Crossref, doi:10.4314/mlr.v8i2.2.


Munakata, Naoko. Transforming East Asia. Rowman & Littlefield, 2007.


Nguyen, Tien Dung, and Misuo Ezaki. “REGIONAL ECONOMIC INTEGRATION AND ITS IMPACTS ON GROWTH, POVERTY AND INCOME DISTRIBUTION: THE CASE OF VIETNAM.” Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies, no. 3, Wiley, Nov. 2005, pp. 197–215. Crossref, doi:10.1111/j.1467-940x.2005.00104.x.


Rugwabiza, Valentine, and Arancha González. “Economic Integration Is Helping Boost Trade and Investment in Africa | Working in Development | The Guardian.” The Guardian, The Guardian, 10 May 2016,



D/ Detailed Outline


  1. Introduction 


Suggested structure (100-200 words)


Special emphasis will be placed on the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) and its implementation in Singapore and Vietnam.

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