People & Organisation


Diversity and inclusion in HRM Introduce the Concept of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Start by defining diversity and inclusion in the context of HRM. Example: "Diversity in the workplace refers to the range of differences among employees, while inclusion is about creating equal opportunities and enabling all employees to contribute fully. The interplay of D&I is essential for improving employee experiences and fostering innovation." Impacts of Diversity and Inclusion Example: According to research, effective management of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) can significantly benefit organizations in several key areas. These benefits include fostering innovation, enhancing problem-solving capabilities, broadening market reach, and improving the ability to attract talented candidates



  • Respond to 3 questions on HRM theories and their application (2000 words total)
  • Present logical discussion with evidence and critical thinking
    • Question 1 on diversity/inclusion theories and their application to HR roles
    • Question 2 on ethical theories for HR and enhancing effectiveness
    • Question 3 on Vroom's expectancy theory, performance management, and implications for HR



Suggested structure:


  1. Diversity and inclusion (Suggested 600 - 700 words)
  2. Ethical theories (Suggested 600 - 700 words)
  3. Vroom’s expectancy theory (Suggested 600 - 700 words)




  1. Diversity - The range of human differences, including race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation and other characteristics that make people unique.
  2. HRM Roles - Common HRM job functions like recruiting, compensation, training, labor relations.
  3. Critical Theory - Philosophy questioning power structures and aiming to liberate oppressed groups. Helps address workplace inequalities.
  4. Normative Theory - Establishes ideals, norms or values to guide conduct. Provides models for ethical decision making.
  5. Deontological Ethics - Duty or rule based ethical theories that focus on adhering to moral norms and obligations.
  6. Teleological Ethics - Consequentialist theories judging actions by their outcomes and purposes rather than inherent morality.
  7. Expectancy Theory - Motivational theory that employee effort depends on perceived link between effort, performance and rewards.
  8. Equity Theory - Perceptions of fair/unfair distribution of resources shapes job motivation and satisfaction.
  9. Goal-Setting Theory - Establishing specific, challenging yet attainable goals motivates higher performance.
  10. Performance Management - Ongoing process of supervising, directing and evaluating employee performance.
  11. Incentive System - Use of monetary, non-cash and social rewards to influence behavior and output.
  12. HRM Practitioner - HR professionals responsible for managing people strategy.




      Diversity and inclusion in HRM

      • Introduce the Concept of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I)
        • Start by defining diversity and inclusion in the context of HRM.
        • Example: "Diversity in the workplace refers to the range of differences among employees, while inclusion is about creating equal opportunities and enabling all employees to contribute fully. The interplay of D&I is essential for improving employee experiences and fostering innovation."
      • Impacts of Diversity and Inclusion

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