Professional Communication



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In this section, we will revisit the assignment's expectations and the steps necessary to complete the assignment effectively.


  1. Assignment details:

      Requirement: Produce a comprehensive communication proposal that seeks to resolve the issue put forward by the brief

      Format: A slide deck for a 10-minute presentation alongside a 3,000 document containing required paperwork and your research


-        A slide deck for a 10-minute presentation (<20 slides) containing your research analysis, key insights and 3 core creative ideas

-        A 3,000 word document containing the following aspects:

+      Team charter

+      Skills audit

+      Presentation feedback analysis (max. 350 words)

+      Research analysis, key insights, relevant information

+      Slide deck

+      A research summary document (750-1,000 words)

-        Disclaimer: this instruction guideline does not address the team charter, skills audit, project timeline and feedback analysis. These are still compulsory items which must be included in your submission document.

      Suggested tools: Canva and PowerPoint for slide making.

      Assignment structures (suggested):

-        Slide deck:

+      Cover/Opening slide

+      Member profiles (names, roles, responsibilities): 1 slide (optional)

+      Agenda/Table of contents: 1 slide

+      Background information: 1 slide

+      Target audience/Key publics (persona, consumer journey, insights): 2 slides

+      Key insights: 1 slide

+      Problem statement: 1 slide

+      Key message: 1 slide

+      Communication gap/opportunity: 1 slide

+      SMART objectives: 1 slide

+      Creative ideas: each has 2-3 slides

+      Ending slide

-        Research summary:

+      Important background information

+      Compelling key insights & human needs

+      A clear problem statement

+      Details about our T/A (what they see, hear, feel, say and do)

+      A communication gap/opportunity

-        Document: use websites like ILovePDF or PDFMerger to merge your pdf files together for submission. The document’s layout should be as follow:

+      Research summary document: research analysis, key insights and relevant info

+      Slide deck

+      Feedback analysis/Project timeline/Skills audit/Team charter. The project timeline is expected to be in Excel or Google Sheet format, thus you can leave a link in the pdf leading to the document. Make sure it is available for your lecturer to see.




In this segment, we will take another look at the terminology associated with assignment that is discussed within the context of the course.




Design thinking

A stage methodology promotes a solution-based

approach to problem solving, used to solve complex issues through interactive processes:

  1. Empathizing
  2. Defining
  3. Ideating
  4. Prototyping
  5. Testing


The capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of someone or something. In comparison with “finding”, findings can tell us what is happening, but we need insights to understand why it is happening, and crucially, what to do about it.



In this step, we will discuss in detail each component and its requirements within the assignment.



      Background information: <100 words

In this section, the basic details regarding the company have to be covered. These include (but are not limited to):

+      Type of company (for profit, governmental, NGO, etc.)

+      Scale

+      Management structure,

+      Industry

+      Any unique characteristics and more.


Tip: Since the client already possesses knowledge over these subjects, your team can afford to provide only key, fundamental traits rather than researching extensively about them.


Furthermore, you must pay attention to the product in question. Display key information regarding the product, some derived from the client brief, some you have to research for further information.


Example: X company is a renowned firm with over 50 years of experience in aiding non-profit organizations as they… [insert source]. Based in New York, the US, the company upholds a non-distributing model of business and currently manages over 5,000 staff in 5 different branches. Its stakeholder group extends to multiple industries, including Y, Z and more…


The product is Samsung Galaxy Watch 6. The product is a state-of-the-art wearable electronic gear, featuring Samsung’s biggest watch screen, an IP86 crafting that helps it withstand dust and water… (insert product features and source). Currently, the visionary plan is to introduce the watch into the Vietnamese market, with Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Danang the main destinations…


      Research and findings analysis (stakeholder, current situation, problem): 200-250 words

In this section, you need to demonstrate the research skills and command over research tools that have been introduced in class.

-        Stakeholder analysis:

+      Instead of writing paragraphs, you need to compose a stakeholder map, identifying and classifying them according to their roles and significance to the company in question. Then, you can use short sentences and phrases to describe their influence more particularly. Please refer to your assignment 1 (also called Stakeholder Map) in Foundations of PR

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