People & Organisation


First sentence: Understand the Global Landscape Hints: Start with the increasing momentum of globalization and its implications in multinational corporations (MNCs) Another sentence: Stating the critical role of HR in international strategies and management roles globally 2-3 next sentences: Define International Human Resources Management (IHRM)



  • Conduct a thorough analysis of International Human Resources Management (IHRM) within the global business environment, emphasizing the critical role of HR in forming international strategies and overseeing diverse teams internationally.
  • Perform a comparative study of selected IHRM frameworks, models, or theories, focusing on their implications for international staffing strategies. The comparison should particularly consider the effects of cultural and institutional distances on these strategies.
  • Offer strategic insights into addressing the challenges brought forth by cultural and institutional differences, particularly in relation to subsidiary performance and expatriate management, in order to better meet global business objectives.


  • Globalization: The process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.
  • IHRM (International Human Resources Management): The process of procuring, allocating, and effectively utilizing human resources in a multinational corporation, addressing issues such as expatriate management, and cultural and institutional distance.
  • Cultural Distance: The extent to which cultural norms and values in one country differ from those in another.
  • Institutional Distance: Differences in the regulatory, cognitive, and normative frameworks between the home and host countries of multinational enterprises.
  • Expatriate: An employee working in a country other than their native country, typically assigned by their employing organization to manage and work on international operations.


I. Introduction (Suggested 150 words)

Suggested Flow:

  • First sentence: Understand the Global Landscape


  • Start with the increasing momentum of globalization and its implications in multinational corporations (MNCs)
  • Another sentence: Stating the critical role of HR in international strategies and management roles globally
  • 2-3 next sentences: Define International Human Resources Management (IHRM)



  • Globalization → Stating the critical role of HR in international strategies and management roles globally

→ Introducing IHRM

  • Definition
  • Importance
  • Challenges

Example:Globalization has transformed HR into a key player for international business strategy and managing global teams. Businesses need HR to attract, develop, and keep talent capable of leading cross-border operations.

  • 2-3 next sentences: Provide about the paper’s objective:
    • Aims to compare [One key IHRM frameworks, models, or theories] and [Another key IHRM frameworks, models, or theories], and briefs through their impacts.
    • It also intends to explore the influence of cultural/institutional distance on international staffing in MNEs.

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