Logistics and Supply Chain


Develop A Report Analyzing The Supply Chain For A Specific Commodity




Develop a report analyzing the supply chain for a specific commodity: researching 5 supply chain processes for that product, and analyzing those processes in terms of definition, managerial responsibilities, performance measurement, challenges, and recommendations.



1.            Executive Summary (Suggested 1 page)


2.            Introduction (Suggested 1 page)


3.            Supply chain process

-               Supply chain channel map

-               Explanation of key actors and locations

-               Define the objectives and core competency of the supply chain.

-               Discuss the role of 5 selected major processes in enhancing the supply chain objectives and customer services values.

4.            Discussion A

-               Supply chain network in use

-               Relationships between 2 actors within the supply chains.

-               How technological changes/disruptions affect supply chain

5.            Discussion B

-               Issues in supply chain

-               Recommendation


6.            Conclusion (Suggested 1 page)

-               Summarizes the Supply Chain objectives,

-               Issues/problems

-               Solution.




1.            Supply chain - The network of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer.


2.            Logistics - The detailed coordination and execution of the movement of goods, services, information and capital.


3.            Procurement - The business functions responsible for purchasing goods and services.


4.            Demand forecasting - Predicting future customer demand for a product/service.


5.            Distribution - The activities associated with getting finished goods and services to customers.


6.            Transportation - Moving goods from one place to another by road, rail, air or water.


7.            Warehousing - Storage of goods in a warehouse or other facility.


8.            Order fulfillment - Processes involved in receiving, processing, packing and shipping customer orders.


9.            Supply Chain Map/Diagram: A visual representation of the end-to-end supply chain stages and flows for the chosen product. Should show key entities like suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers.


10.         Upstream/Downstream: Upstream refers to processes closer to the original source of raw materials, like manufacturing and procurement. Downstream refers to processes closer to the end customer, like distribution, retail.


11.         Core Competency: The key capabilities, processes, or strengths that give a supply chain competitive advantage and enable it to deliver its objectives.


12.         Managerial Responsibilities:  The key management roles and duties involved in running each supply chain process. For example, monitoring performance, controlling costs, managing relationships.

13.         Key Performance Indicators (KPI): quantitative metrics used to evaluate the performance of supply chain processes. Examples are lead time, stockout rate, fill rate.




1.            Executive Summary

-               Summarizes the background

-               Company

-               Product line

-               Industry

-               Major aim and methodology

-               Purpose of the analysis (eg. to analyze key supply chain processes for the chosen product line)

-               Methodology used for analysis ( summarize 3&4)

-               Major outcomes/findings

-               supply chain issues/challenges

-               suggestions to optimize the supply chain processes




Masan MeatLife, a subsidiary of Masan Group incorporated on October 7th, 2011, released MEATDeli, the country's first-ever chilled meat product in 2018. This product incorporates the integrated 3F (Feed – Farm – Food) model for optimal quality control of consumer goods. The product concentrates on the $15 billion  market Vietnam's animal protein industry and to serve consumers with affordable and quality meat.


MeatLife, known for supplying quality meat products. This group report is divided into 3 main parts with the main goal to solve the existing supply chain problem of MeatDeli. The first part will be focusing on analyzing the supply chain process of MeatDeli through a supply chain map of the company and about supply chain objectives and its core competency. Next, a more comprehensive view of the supply chain management, the pros and cons of push and pull strategy or the hybrid of both strategies, supply chain management within MeatDeli and benefits of technology to supply chain segments. Lastly, contemporary events and issues disrupting supply chains will be discussed as well as offer the appropriate recommendations to each issue. Factors that currently affect MeatDeli include lack of visibility, high transportation expenses and the quality of MeatLife's product is also not as wanted due to water contaminants.



2.            Introduction

-               Description of product or company - the business context - the importance of the supply chain management

-               Details of service/product and company ( marketshare, rivals competitors, selling point), short description of its supply chain (location, sourcing, order fulfillment)

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