Professional Communication


For your insights, you must provide those that tackle the problem and concern the product/service directly (different from those only dealing with the brand or the industry). You should come up with your own version of the insights, however every single one of them should be backed up with scholarly sources to ensure validity. You should conduct a survey with TA to backup your statement

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  1. Assessed criteria:

  • Examine a variety of marketing communication alternatives, including advertising and other promotion forms;

  • Analyze and apply appropriate creative approaches to developing persuasive messages; and

  • Develop an advertising campaign and media strategy, as a member of a team.

  1. Assignment details:

  • Requirement: Prepare a campaign plan (slide deck + media plan) for class presentation

  • Format: presentation slides (15 maximum)

  • Objectives: 

  • The slide deck can only have 15 slides maximum.

  • The presentation should not last longer than 15 minutes.

  • Assignment structure:

  • Opening slide

  • Agenda: 1 slide

  • Brand background, SWOT analysis, key issues: 2 slides

  • Target audience: 2

  • Insights/USP & key message: 1

  • Goals & objectives: 1

  • Creative concept:

  • Big idea, approach (soft-hard sell), tone of voice, color palette, etc.: 1

  • Mock-up/illustrations/moodboard: 1

  • IMC tools/tactics: 2-3

  • Media plan/timeline: 1

  • Budget: 1

  • Evaluation: 1 (can combine with budget in a single slide)

  • Ending slide





IMC tools

IMC, or Integrated Marketing Communications, is a strategic marketing approach that involves combining communication tools and channels to convey a key message to a target audience. Common tools include advertising, public relations, sales promotion, personal selling, direct marketing, social media marketing, events, and sponsorships.

Big idea

A "big idea" is a central concept that serves as the core of a creative project or marketing initiative. It is essentially the overarching direction that tools and tactics within a campaign must be able to deliver to an audience.


A mockup is a visual representation that outlines the design or layout of a project, commonly applied in graphic design, web development, and product design. 


A moodboard is a collage or visual arrangement that captures the key aesthetic and/or design direction for a project


Customer persona

A customer persona is a detailed and fictional representation of an ideal customer, created based on market research and real customer data.




For the background information of the brand, you should only mention 2-3 key aspects: company origin (parent company, year founded, industry, etc.), the product/service in question, and the current market that product is in. Each requires 1 bullet point.

Moving onto the SWOT analysis, a maximum of 3 bullet points is ideal for this section. 

  • Strengths: the advantages that your brand/product has over competitors? Years of experience? Convenience? Low price?

  • Weaknesses: possible drawbacks that might hinder your brand/product.

  • Opportunities: what are the tools/aspects that you can explore/apply to make the brand/product more approachable/likable among your customers? Technologies, other target audiences, pain points?

  • Threats: the foreseeable obstacles (legal, economical, technological, etc.), the industry’s performance, etc.


Key issues for the brand/product

Example (Vaseline):

Usage Barrier: Even though women want to take better care of their skin, the stickiness of body lotion is the biggest obstacle that prevents them from doing so. Second, unlike "kem trộn," body lotion takes a long time and consistent use to show visible results.


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