Introduction to Fashion Design - A2

Digital compendium See Think Wonder reflections Fashion design outcome in the form of a resolved toile

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A/ Assignment Recap

      Digital compendium

      See Think Wonder reflections

      Fashion design outcome in the form of a resolved toile


Here are suggested structure


I/ Introduction

II/ Design works

  1. Material Palette
  2. Anchor Points
  3. Compendium Development
  4. Fashion Design Outcome
  5. Documentation
  6. Making Connection Compendium

III/ Conclusion



I/ Introduction

II/ Reflection

  1. See Think Wonder framework
  2. Analysis and Synthesis

III/ Conclusion



I/ Introduction

II/ Design works

  1. Design process
  2. Materials and Construction

III/ Conclusion


B/ Key term definition

      Digital Compendium: a digital portfolio or collection of work that documents a fashion designer's creative process and final outcomes.

      See, Think, Wonder is a framework used in education to encourage critical thinking and reflection. In the context of fashion design, it can be applied as follows:

-        See: Observe and document the visual elements of a fashion design, such as color, texture, shape, and pattern.

-        Think: Reflect on the connections between what you see and your previous knowledge of fashion design. What techniques or materials are being used? How do they contribute to the overall design? What cultural or historical references might be present?

-        Wonder: Identify any remaining questions or areas of uncertainty that you still have about the fashion design. How might this design be worn or styled? What alternative approaches could have been taken? How might this design evolve over time?


C/ Detailed guideline



I/ Introduction

-        In 1-2 sentences: Explain the purpose of the report, which is to showcase the digital compendium created during your design process.

-        In 1-2 sentences: Briefly describe the content that will be presented in the report, including sketches, patterns, prototypes, construction, and presentation.

II/ Design work

  1. Material Palette

-        Research and select a range of materials that will be used in your collection. This could include fabrics, trims, and any other materials that will be incorporated into your designs.

-        Consider factors such as texture, color, weight, and durability when selecting your materials.

-        Create a mood board or inspiration board that showcases your chosen materials and how they will be used in your collection.

  1. Anchor Points

-        Identify specific areas of the body where you want to focus your exploration of forming and anchoring fabrics. This could include the shoulders, waist, hips, or any other area that you feel is important for your collection.

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