Introduction to Fashion Design - A3

Digital compendium documents the development of your project fashion outcomes. Video recording that communicates your fashion outcome in motion and its wearability in relation to your specified persona.

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A/ Assignment Recap

  • Digital compendium documents the development of your project fashion outcomes.   

  • Video recording that communicates your fashion outcome in motion and its wearability in relation to your specified persona.


Here are suggested structure


I/ Introduction

II/ Design process

  1. Body type selection

  2. Narrative, persona and movement development

  3. Finding form process

  4. Design development

  5. Wearer experience reflection

III/ Conclusion



  1. Introduction

  2. Persona introduction

  3. Movement introduction

  4. Inside experience

  5. Outside experience

  6. Conclusion 

B/ Key term definition

  • Digital Compendium: a digital portfolio or collection of work that documents a fashion designer's creative process and final outcomes.

  • Body type: the unique shape and proportions of a person's body. (Several common body types includes Hourglass, Pear, Apple, Inverted triangle, Rectangle)

  • Narrative: a story that the designer wants to tell about the body type and how it is celebrated and empowered through fashion. 

  • Persona: a fictional character that represents the ideal customer for the design. 

  • Movement: a concept or theme that guides the design process and reflects the design/ collection values and mission. 


C/ Detailed guideline



I/ Introduction

  • In 1-2 sentences: Brief overview of the project and its objectives

  • In 1-2 sentences: Explain the structure of the compendium

II/ Design process

  1. Body type selection

  • Rationale for choosing a specific body type (e.g., hourglass, pear, apple)

  • Research on the unique challenges and preferences of this body type in relation to fashion

  • Discussion of how the chosen body type aligns with your design/ collection’s values and mission

  1. Narrative, persona and movement development

  • Narrative: Create a story that highlights the history, cultural significance, and representation of the chosen body type in fashion.

  • Persona: Development of a persona that embodies the unique style, preferences, and challenges of this body type.
    Example: It can be relatable and inspiring, and the story helps women identify with the brand and its products.

  • Movement: Create a movement that guides the design process and reflects the design/ collection values and mission.

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