Professional Communication

Issues, Risk and Crisis Communication - A1

For this section, you need to highlight several fundamental pieces of information regarding your client, its business and the current state of operations. Here are a few things that you can touch on: ●      About the brand: You will find the description of each brand on its own website. Here, it is recommended that you highlight the nature of the business, its brief history alongside the industry that it belongs to. ●      Mission - vision: Once again this should be located on the company’s website, and including this will outline the clear ambitions and goals that it sets out for itself and the industry for readers. ●      Brand values/culture: As all five clients presented in this assignment are established, renowned brands with worldwide presence, they introduce different sets of values (e.g. responsibility, transparency, responsive, etc.) to clients. It is commendable to highlight these attributes so that when responding to issues, risks and crises, your campaign has to be aligned with them. ●      Strategy: Often accompanying the mission and vision statements, brands have an entrenched strategy that often looks forward to the next 10 to 20 years. Paraphrasing and summarizing this strategy is the commendable action here. ●      Additional information: After you’ve mapped out the aforementioned elements, there are some aspects to deliver in terms of furthering the readers’ understanding of the company: -        The company’s history with issues, risks and crises: Has the brand encountered unfortunate situations before? In general, what were they about? How has the brand dealt with them? -        The brand’s structure: number of stores, number of employees, revenue streams, number of partners, corporate governance and more.

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In this section, we will revisit the assignment's expectations and the steps necessary to complete the assignment effectively.


  1. Assessed criteria:

      Identify and describe the process involved in risk and issues management.

      Compare and contrast issues, risks and crises, using appropriate theoretical frameworks.

  1. Assignment details:

      Requirement: report about possible issues and risks a brand might be dealing with

      Format: 1,200-1,500-word paper

    Objectives: It is recommended to use the table format to showcase ideas. Nothing significant to note.

      Assignment structure (suggested):

-        Client’s background info: 200-250 words

-        Discussion and analysis of issues pertaining to this client: 300-400 words

-        Discussion and analysis of risk that could arise for this client: 300-400 words

-        Prioritization of these risks (ideally listed in a table): 50-100 words

-        Initial actions recommended to prevent these risks from becoming crisis: 200-250 words



In this segment, we will take another look at the terminology associated with assignment that is discussed within the context of the course.




Issue Life Cycle theory

A life cycle of an issue is as follows: Early, emerging, current, crisis, and dormant. As it progresses, it becomes more prominent and less controllable.

Powerful Stakeholder theory

Called a “stakeholder ecosystem”, this theory locates certain stakeholders that are influential and relevant and identifies the impact they have on an organization’s actions.


An issue exists when there is a gap (real or perceived) between

an organization's performance/behavior and the legitimate

expectations of key stakeholders about how they think that

organization should behave (the expectation or legitimacy gap). It arises from a social and/or political dispute. An issue is assessed by its capacity to seriously harm the organization and its interests (aka the impact theme)

Issue management

An anticipatory, strategic management process that helps

organizations detect and respond appropriately to emerging

trends or changes


A probability or threat ...

• of damage, injury, liability, loss, or any other negative

occurrence that is

• caused by external or internal vulnerabilities, and

• that may be avoided through preemptive action



In this step, we will discuss in detail each component and its requirements within the assignment.



For this section, you need to highlight several fundamental pieces of information regarding your client, its business and the current state of operations. Here are a few things that you can touch on:

      About the brand: You will find the description of each brand on its own website. Here, it is recommended that you highlight the nature of the business, its brief history alongside the industry that it belongs to.

      Mission - vision: Once again this should be located on the company’s website, and including this will outline the clear ambitions and goals that it sets out for itself and the industry for readers.

      Brand values/culture: As all five clients presented in this assignment are established, renowned brands with worldwide presence, they introduce different sets of values (e.g. responsibility, transparency, responsive, etc.) to clients. It is commendable to highlight these attributes so that when responding to issues, risks and crises, your campaign has to be aligned with them.

      Strategy: Often accompanying the mission and vision statements, brands have an entrenched strategy that often looks forward to the next 10 to 20 years. Paraphrasing and summarizing this strategy is the commendable action here.

      Additional information: After you’ve mapped out the aforementioned elements, there are some aspects to deliver in terms of furthering the readers’ understanding of the company:

-        The company’s history with issues, risks and crises: Has the brand encountered unfortunate situations before? In general, what were they about? How has the brand dealt with them?

-        The brand’s structure: number of stores, number of employees, revenue streams, number of partners, corporate governance and more.

TIPS: This is the brand introduction section, which requires your ability to compress large aspects of knowledge into condense, concise sentences fit for a report. Therefore, try to cover as many elements as possible by paraphrasing relevant information. Remember that you’ll be assessed on your capacity for Analysis: “Analysis tends to focus on breaking down or identifying principles or components that make up a complex issue to provide a basis for a conclusion.”

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