Professional Communication

Issues, Risk and Crisis Communication - A3 (Template Version)

Evaluate Crisis Communication Strategies Undertaken by a Range of Organisations: evaluate communication strategies undertaken by a range of local and international companies in response to crises, and the role of stakeholder groups. Create a risk or crisis communication plan that addresses what to do in response to a real-world issue or crisis.

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In this section, we will revisit the assignment's expectations and the steps necessary to complete the assignment effectively.


  1. Assessed criteria:

  • Evaluate Crisis Communication Strategies Undertaken by a Range of Organisations: evaluate communication strategies undertaken by a range of local and international companies in response to crises, and the role of stakeholder groups.

  • Create a risk or crisis communication plan that addresses what to do in response to a real-world issue or crisis.

  1. Assignment details:

  • Requirement: help the client to get prepared for an emerging crisis requiring a (simulated) press conference drawing on the Communications Plan developed in Assignment 2

  • Format: 

  • Press conference: 10-minute speaker talk and 10-15-minute Q&A session

  • Media kits: press release, backgrounder, audio/video/photos (if any), Q&A sheet, contact info


In this segment, we will take another look at the terminology associated with assignment that is discussed within the context of the course.





‘A document that provides additional information about a business, issue, event, or product launch’ (SMB Guide 2022).

News values

News values are the criteria or principles used by journalists and news organizations to determine the newsworthiness of a story. These values guide the selection and presentation of news stories.

Angles and hooks

The main idea of a news story and lead is called the “angle”. Angle is the perspective from which you write about your PR


The angle is used to “hook” the reader’s attention to make them want to read the rest of the story.

Inverted pyramid

This model serves to structure press releases and other news writings to portray accurate and adequate information about an event. Make your initial paragraphs contain all of the most

relevant details of the article. A good guideline for these details is to use the 5 W’s: Who, What, Where, When, Why. Just by addressing these points you probably have summarized the article as a whole in a few sentences.

Reputation repair strategies (derived from SCCT)

These are ways to restore a company’s image during and after a crisis: 

  • Attack the accuser: Confronts who believes something is wrong with the company

  • Denial: “there is nothing wrong”, “there is no crisis”

  • Scapegoat: Blames another person/organization for the situation

  • Excuse: Diminishes harm to reputation by denying intentions to do harm, pleading its powerlessness in controlling the situation

  • Provocation: the crisis was a result of the company’s own justified response to something else

  • Defeasibility: A lack of information and data was what led to the crisis

  • Accidental: The incident was an unfortunate one which no one anticipated could happen.

  • Good intentions: “company meant to do well”

  • Justification: Minimizes perceived damage caused by the crisis

  • Reminder: Reminding publics of past good work the company has delivered

  • Ingratiation: Praises stakeholders for their support and cooperation

  • Compensation: Offers money, refund or other types of rewards to victims

  • Apology: the company takes full responsibility



In this step, we will discuss in detail each component and its requirements within the assignment.




Before you begin to compose the press release, decide on these factors:

  • What story do you want to send to the media? What news values, hooks and/or angles will be featured?

  • What media outlets to send your story to?

  • How to distribute your story effectively to key media and influential news outlets?

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