Management & Change

LEADERSHIP - A3 (Template Version)

You can start with a brief introduction about the definition of leadership and the importance of effective leadership in business. Next, you can mention some ways to become an effective leader in business. You can name several qualities which are crucial to become a good leader.


I.    Assessment Recap

  • Length: 1,800 (+/- 10%)

Suggested structure:

  1. Title page
  2. Table of contents
  3. Introduction (~150 words)
  4. Body with headings and sub-headings: Leadership development plan (~1000 words); Industry feedback (~500 words)
  5. Conclusion (~150 words)
  6. References, which will include:
  • your leader’s feedback in the Industry feedback checklist
  • your Leadership diagnostic tests results
  • initial Leadership development plan (before feedback from chosen leader)
  • final Leadership development plan (incorporating feedback from chosen leader)
  • background information about your leader who will provide feedback on your plan.


II. Theories - Key term Definition

Skill inventory

The Three-Skill Approach in leadership, proposed by Robert Katz in 1955, outlines three essential skills that effective leaders should possess. These skills are categorized into three distinct types

  • Technical Skill
    • Definition: Technical skill refers to the knowledge and proficiency in a specific field or discipline.
    • Application: Leaders with strong technical skills are adept at understanding and performing specific tasks related to their area of expertise. This skill is crucial for hands-on, operational aspects of the work.
  • Human Skill
    • Definition: Human skill, also known as interpersonal or people skill, involves the ability to work effectively with others.
    • Application: Leaders with strong human skills can communicate, collaborate, and relate well to individuals and groups. This skill is vital for building and maintaining positive relationships within a team or organization.
  • Conceptual Skill
    • Definition: Conceptual skill involves the ability to think strategically, analyze situations, and understand abstract concepts.
    • Application: Leaders with strong conceptual skills can grasp the bigger picture, make decisions based on complex information, and formulate plans and strategies. This skill is crucial for top-level management roles where a broad understanding of the organization and its environment is essential.

According to Katz, the importance of these skills may vary depending on the level of management within an organization. Lower-level managers often require strong technical skills to oversee day-to-day operations, while higher-level managers need well-developed conceptual skills to make strategic decisions. Human skills are considered essential at all levels, as effective leadership involves working with and through people.

This Three-Skill Approach provides a framework for understanding the multifaceted nature of leadership and emphasizes the need for a balance between technical, human, and conceptual skills for leaders to be successful in their roles


Emotional Intelligence (EI) in leadership refers to the ability of a leader to recognize, understand, manage, and effectively use emotions—both their own and those of others—in various leadership situations. It involves a set of skills and competencies that contribute to effective interpersonal relationships, communication, and overall leadership effectiveness.

The concept of Emotional Intelligence was popularized by psychologist Daniel Goleman in the 1990s, and it has since become a key aspect of leadership theory. Goleman identified five components of Emotional Intelligence:

  • Self-Awareness:
    • Definition: The ability to recognize and understand one's own emotions, including their impact on thoughts, decisions, and behavior.
    • Leadership Application: Self-aware leaders are better equipped to manage their reactions, remain composed under pressure, and make sound decisions.
  • Self-Regulation:
    • Definition: The ability to control and manage one's own emotions, particularly in challenging or stressful situations.
    • Leadership Application: Leaders with strong self-regulation can maintain emotional balance, avoid impulsive decisions, and foster a positive work environment.
  • Motivation:
    • Definition: The drive to achieve goals, persist in the face of challenges, and continuously improve oneself.
    • Leadership Application: Motivated leaders inspire and energize their teams, fostering a culture of enthusiasm, commitment, and achievement.
  • Empathy:
    • Definition: The capacity to understand and share the feelings of others, demonstrating compassion and consideration for their perspectives.
    • Leadership Application: Empathetic leaders build strong relationships, connect with their team members, and create a supportive and inclusive workplace.
  • Social Skills:
    • Definition: Proficiency in managing relationships, including effective communication, conflict resolution, and collaboration.
    • Leadership Application: Leaders with strong social skills can navigate complex social dynamics, build effective teams, and influence others positively..

Interrelations between enhanced emotional intelligence, leadership self-efficacy and task-oriented leadership behaviour–a leadership coaching study

The relationship between Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Middle Management Leadership Styles (Transformational and Transactional Leadership) among managerial personnel at Khartoum State

Instrumental leadership: Measurement and extension of transformational–transactional leadership theory

Key components of Diversity Management Capability include:

  • Cultural Competence:
    • Definition: The ability to understand and respect different cultural perspectives, norms, and values.
    • Leadership Application: Culturally competent leaders create inclusive workplaces by recognizing and appreciating cultural diversity, fostering a sense of belonging among team members.
  • Inclusive Leadership:
    • Definition: Leadership that actively seeks to include all team members, values their contributions, and promotes a sense of belonging for everyone.
    • Leadership Application: Inclusive leaders ensure that diverse voices are heard, ideas are considered, and all team members feel valued and respected.
  • Equity and Fairness:
    • Definition: Ensuring fairness and impartiality in policies, procedures, and decision-making processes, with a focus on creating equal opportunities for all.
    • Leadership Application: Leaders with a commitment to equity promote a workplace where individuals are judged based on their skills, abilities, and contributions rather than demographic characteristics.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability:
    • Definition: The capacity to adapt leadership styles and organizational practices to accommodate diverse needs and preferences.
    • Leadership Application: Flexible leaders create environments where individuals can work in ways that suit their strengths and preferences, contributing to overall team effectiveness.
  • Conflict Resolution Skills:
    • Definition: The ability to address and resolve conflicts that may arise due to differences in perspectives, experiences, or values.
    • Leadership Application: Leaders skilled in conflict resolution create harmonious work environments by addressing and resolving issues related to diversity and preventing potential sources of tension.
  • Diversity Recruitment and Retention:
    • Definition: Proactively seeking and retaining a diverse workforce through recruitment, development, and retention strategies.
    • Leadership Application: Leaders who prioritize diversity in talent acquisition and retention initiatives contribute to the creation of a diverse and dynamic organizational culture.

Key components of Cultural Intelligence include:

  • Cultural Knowledge:
    • Understanding the values, beliefs, norms, customs, and practices of different cultures.
    • Applying cultural knowledge to interpret behaviors and situations in a culturally appropriate manner.

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