Professional Communication


For this section, you need to compose a paragraph of around 100 words describing the main subject, context and background info regarding your podcast series and this specific episode. Having three to four sentences to work with, it is suggested that you divide them in order to give each one a focus, a purpose like this sample structure below:

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In this section, we will revisit the assignment's expectations and the steps necessary to complete the assignment effectively.


1.     Assessed criteria:

      Possess basic skills in the operation of a range of media authoring technologies.

      Research, propose and produce a range of media.

      Critically analyze and evaluate your own learning styles.

2.     Assignment details:

      Requirement: scripting, recording, editing, and publishing a single episode of the first season of a new 3-5-minute podcast series.

      Format: a 3-5-minute podcast, a reflection essay of minimum 300 words which will have its own guideline, a piece of paperwork including the podcast’s brief description, transcript and segmentation.


-        Podcast:

+      Podcasts must not have a runtime under 3 minutes or exceed 5 minutes.

+      Avoid producing work based on sensitive, objectionable, cliché, unimaginative or fictional topics. Visit the banned topics link in the assignment brief.

+      Avoid thinking of your audience as passive, helpless victims.

+      Avoid topics that deal with "stigma", "discrimination", "prejudice", "stereotypes",  "misconceptions", "struggling" and "suffering" -- please avoid projects premised on victimhood at all costs.

+      Do not role-play or pretend to be someone you are not in your podcast.

+      All members must speak and contribute equally in the podcast production.

+      All podcasts must have a brief 10-15-second sponsor's message or advertisement.

+      Audio-based content featured within podcasts should not breach copyright restrictions.

-        Paperwork:

+      Features a full programme transcript of the podcast, in Word or PDF format, which includes an overview of the programme.

-        No less than 2 scholarly sources should be referenced in the development of your podcast.

      Suggested tool: Audacity and Adobe Audition are the go-to platforms for audio editing. Mixkit, Freesound, Pixabay are the ideal options for royalty free sound effects and background music to insert in the podcast.

      Assignment structure (suggested):




In this segment, we will take another look at the terminology associated with assignment that is discussed within the context of the course.





An outline of the structure of your podcast programme.


A word-for-word reading of everything spoken or heard on your podcast programme.


      Intro music fades out or quiets as host speaks;

      Welcome listeners to podcast;

      Introduce yourself guests;

      Describe the topic of the episode you are recording.


      Thank listeners;

      Give resource information (e.g. special thanks, plug magazine);

      Outro music fades in or raises as the host speaks.



In this step, we will discuss in detail each component and its requirements within the assignment.



For this section, you need to compose a paragraph of around 100 words describing the main subject, context and background info regarding your podcast series and this specific episode. Having three to four sentences to work with, it is suggested that you divide them in order to give each one a focus, a purpose like this sample structure below:

      Sentence 1: background info regarding the podcast series

+      What societal matter does the podcast series tackle?

+      Who will the guests be? Who is the host?

      Sentence 2: the subject of this podcast episode

Charge your account to get a detailed instruction for the assignment