In this section, we will revisit the assignment's expectations and the steps necessary to complete the assignment effectively.
Assessed criteria:
Critically analyze and evaluate your own learning styles.
Reflect upon and explain your creative choices in individual and group contexts.
For the DIEP model, please visit this link (Reflective writing by RMIT Learning Lab for a closer focus).
In this step, we will discuss in detail each component and its requirements within the assignment.
Introduction: ~50 words
This part just needs one or two words to introduce the learning experience and ramifications you'll discuss later.
Describe: ~100 words
Discuss 1-2 lessons you learned or practised while creating the campaign. The following structure might help:
Option #1: media format (recommended)
Example: From week two, we learned about podcasting and audio effects technologies, emphasizing its importance as a media medium. To create a good podcast, one must conduct primary and secondary research on the audience's identity, purposes, current position in pursuing them, one's personal agenda when starting a podcast, and the brand's position. Additionally, audio properties must support ‘record, edit, mix, and master’ throughout production (Geoghehan and Klass 2005:58). Podcasting involves connections, connectors, mixers, and sound cards, not simply mics and free audio tuning software.
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