Professional Communication


Making a Magazine

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In this section, we will revisit the assignment's expectations and the steps necessary to complete the assignment effectively.


Assessed criteria:

      Ability to comprehend and command various techniques in producing a piece of media.

      Research, suggest and construct a magazine.


  1. Assignment details:


-        Take up an imagined role in Vietcetera’s media production team.

-        The team’s goal is to produce relatable content for both local and global audiences.

-        Sub-branding for creative outcomes are welcomed.

-        All members must cooperate and share responsibilities.

-        There must be 2-4 feature articles.

-        The magazine must have at least 8 student-produced images (photos or illustrations). Note that decorative designs such as drawn flowers beside an article AND photos of and permissioned by interviewees (if any) do not count.

-        No stock images are allowed.

-        The final design must be submitted in both pdf and package INDD formats.

-        A minimum of 4 scholarly sources must be present within the magazine.

      Format: 8 OR 12 pages collaborative magazine, 1,200 to 2,000 words

    Objectives: Produce a magazine utilizing industry-standard software (Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign are recommended).

      Suggested approach: The magazine must follow the podcast’s topic, which should have been discussed amongst the team in tutorial classes across previous weeks.

      Assignment elements (suggested):

-        Front cover page

-        Table of contents

-        Editorial letter (optional)

-        Articles

-        Back cover page

-        Imprint - contributors’ names, titles, contacts



In this segment, we will take another look at the terminology associated with assignment that is discussed within the context of the course.





‘Layout is the arrangement of the elements of a design in relation to the space that they occupy and in accordance with an overall aesthetic scheme’ (Harris and Ambrose 2011:9). It serves to help readers navigate through pages in an easy manner.


‘The grid is a means of positioning and containing the elements of a design in order to facilitate and ease decision making’ (Harris and Ambrose 2011:27). It increases the accuracy of element placement.


The arrangement and stylization of type - texts, characters and symbols - to make written articles easy to read and comprehend. In this course, this includes typefaces and fonts.

Document setups

When discussing magazine settings, be on the lookout for the following elements:

-        Safety margins: Safe space within your document as it allows your articles to be written there

-        Trim edge: Final output size of magazine

-        Bleed: Design elements that extend beyond the edge (that is why it is called “bleed”).


The process of checking all components of a digital file to ensure optimum reproduction output.



Harris P and Ambrose G (2011) Basics Design 02: Layout, GBR: AVA Publishing, London.



In this step, we will discuss in detail each component and its requirements within the assignment.



Depending on your chosen topic and stylization, the magazine’s cover is as creative as you allow it to be. Should there be any recommendation, the following points can be considered:

    Less is more. Try not to apply too many contrasting colors but rather go for 2-3 main colors which appear throughout the magazine.

    Big title! Don’t be afraid to make your magazine title or series title stand out since along with the illustration, this element is going to draw attention from readers first and foremost.

    Add articles’ titles and short descriptions of them. These summaries should only be under 10 words, capturing the essence of what each article discusses.

    Be certain to create harmony between colors and typography. Your words must be enabled by background coloring so viewers can read them easily; for example, black lettering on white background makes for a straightforward, eye-soothing reading experience.

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