Digital Marketing


ompany Overview   Briefly recap on year of establishment and history, vision & mission, the brand’s product and its unique selling points - USPs)

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A market research plan for a given business scenario includes background, research problem/objectives/questions, research design, and data collection.



  1. Introduction and research background
  2. Research problem, including research objectives and questions
  3. Research design
  4. Data collection




  1. Management Decision Project vs Research Objectives


Management Decision Project is focused on strategic decisions enabled by the research, while the Research Objectives are focused on delivering the required research insights.


  1. Research Design


  1. Nature of research problem


Nature of research problem



Exploratory design


Conclusive design

Descriptive research

Causal research


To discover ideas and insights

To describe market characteristics or functions

To determine cause and effect relationships


What are the key customer pain points when using our product?


In what ways can we improve the customer experience?

What percentage of customers rank price as the most important factor in purchasing our product?

How does an increase in advertising spending influence sales revenue?


What is the impact of our loyalty program on customer retention rates?


  1. Sources of data


Source of data




Somebody already collected

the data to be used

The researchers will need to

collect empirical data


The population of Vietnam is published on the government’s website. Businesses can use this available information.

The brand creates surveys to research on their target customer segments.

Common sources of data

External: Government and

non-government institutions or

offices, market research

agencies, newspapers and

magazines, etc.


Internal: Company records and

documents such as sales

records, customer service


The researchers will need to

collect data by themselves

using data collection methods

appropriate for the research



  1. Types of data


Types of data




To discover new ideas & perceptions

To test hypotheses


To understand the customers’ perception of “premium”

To measure customer

satisfaction with online banking



  1. Data Collection


The techniques used to gather research data, e.g. surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations, ect

Communication techniques describe how the researcher connects with and prompts responses from the research subjects when applying the data collection methods (eg. Effective communication techniques for in-depth interviews may include asking open-ended questions, avoiding leading questions that bias the response, …).


  1. Sampling methods - Techniques used to select the sample from the sampling frame.


  • Target population - The entire group of subjects that the research aims to study.
  • Sample size - The number of subjects chosen from the target population.





  1. Introduction and research background


  1. Company Overview


Briefly recap on year of establishment and history, vision & mission, the brand’s product and its unique selling points - USPs)


Founded in 1995, Paula's Choice revolutionizes skincare with a commitment to science-based, effective solutions. The brand envisions a world where everyone can achieve transformative skincare results, enhancing confidence through informed choices. Its product line, featuring chemical exfoliants like AHA and BHA, tackles various concerns from acne to ageing, alongside gentle cleansers suitable for all skin types. What sets Paula's Choice apart is its straightforward approach: prioritizing proven ingredients at effective doses while eschewing fragrances and dyes known to irritate skin. This dedication to simplicity and efficacy has cemented Paula's Choice as a beacon of integrity in the skincare realm, empowering users to navigate their skincare journey with confidence.


  1. Market Overview


  • Market Conditions: Analyse the current state of the market, including trends, economic conditions, and industry dynamics.
  • Competitive Landscape: Identify key competitors, market share, and any notable industry disruptors.
  • Consumer Behaviours: Discuss any changes or shifts in consumer preferences and behaviours that may impact the market.




  • An overview of the cosmetics market in Vietnam and showcases the potential for future growth: The cosmetics industry in Vietnam is one of the fastest-growing in the region, with a projected annual growth rate of 3.21% from 2023 to 2028 (Statista 2023)

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