Digital Marketing


Executive Summary (suggested 250 words)  Briefly recap research background, objectives, methodology, key findings, and recommendations

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  • A marketing research report includes data collection and analysis for a given business scenario. The paper proposes research approach, analyses research findings in Assignment 1 and provides recommendations. 

  • The report requires a maximum of 4,000 words (with +/- 400 words).

Suggested Structure:

  1. Executive Summary (suggested 250 words) 

  2. Recap of Assignment 1 content (suggested 1000 words) 

  3. Research Design (suggested 1000 words) 

  4. Analysis and Findings (suggested 1000 words) 

  5. Recommendations & Conclusion (suggested 500-750 words) 



  1. Management Decision Project vs Research Objectives


Management Decision Project is focused on strategic decisions enabled by the research, while the Research Objectives are focused on delivering the required research insights.


  1. Research objectives and detailed questions 

  • Research objectives: Identify what specific data/information is needed; what information you will need to gather to help management with decision-making

  • Detailed questions: Present a series of specific research questions that the project aims to answer. These questions should directly relate to the research objectives.


  1. NVivo: Qualitative data analysis software used to organise, analyse and find insights from unstructured or qualitative data like interviews, surveys, social media, and web content. Can help generate charts/graphs and extract key quotes.


  1. SPSS: Statistical analysis software commonly used for quantitative data analysis. Can run various statistical tests and models like regression, ANOVA, factor analysis on survey or experimental data. Generates output tables and charts. Useful for hypothesis testing, understanding relationships between variables, predictive modelling, and identifying significant factors.





Factor Analysis


Understand relationship between dependent and independent variables

Compare means across different groups

Group correlated variables into underlying factors

Data Used

Metric dependent variable, metric or categorical independents

Metric dependent variable, categorical independent (groups)

Multiple related metric variables


Regression coefficients, R-squared, significance tests

F-statistic, p-values, group means

Eigenvalues, factor loadings, explained variance

Use Cases

Predicting effects, predictive modelling, determining drivers

Comparing segment differences, A/B testing, experiment analysis

Reducing survey questions into key factors, understanding patterns in consumer attitudes



  1. Executive Summary (suggested 250 words) 

Briefly recap research background, objectives, methodology, key findings, and recommendations


  • Research background: Paula's Choice is a well-known skincare brand with a reputation for science-backed products.


  • Objectives: to assess current customer perceptions and preferences regarding Paula's Choice products


  • Methodology: Conducted a mixed-method research approach, including online surveys and in-depth interviews.


  • Key findings: Over 80% of surveyed customers expressed satisfaction with Paula's Choice products, particularly citing the brand's focus on science and ingredient transparency


  • Recommendations Eco-Friendly Initiatives: Paula's Choice should consider incorporating sustainable packaging and eco-friendly ingredients to meet the growing demand for environmentally conscious products.

  • Personalization: Develop a personalized skin care recommendation tool on the website or app to cater to individual customer needs and preferences.

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