Econ fin


Individual Report and Presentation

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    In Part A, students are required to write a comprehensive report covering topics such as monetary policy analysis, Credit Ratings Agencies (CRA) issues, and reflections on ESG practices in debt markets.

    Part B involves creating a concise video presentation based on one of the case studies from Part A.



         I.        PART A - REPORTS

1.   Case Study 1: Monetary Policy (875  - 960 words)

a.    Statement of Problem or Issue: 125-138 words

b.   Interpretation and Critical Analysis: 375-411 words

c.    Results of Research/Recommendations: 375-411 words

2.   Case Study 2: Credit Ratings Agencies (CRA):

a.   Statement of Problem or Issue: 125-138 words

b.   Interpretation and Critical Analysis: 375-411 words

c.   Results of Research/Recommendations: 375-411 words

3.   Reflection of Guest Speaker Session:

a.   Key Takeaways: 100-150 words

b.   Recommendations: 100-150 words

       II.        PART B - VIDEO


1.   Monetary Policy

Monetary policy refers to the actions taken by a country's central bank to manage its money supply and influence interest rates. It aims to achieve economic objectives like price stability and economic growth.

2.   Debt Market

The debt market, also known as the bond market, is a financial marketplace where organizations and governments issue debt securities (bonds) to raise capital. Investors buy these bonds as investments.

3.   Credit Ratings Agencies (CRA)

Credit Ratings Agencies are independent organizations that assess the creditworthiness of entities, such as governments and corporations, by assigning credit ratings. These ratings indicate the likelihood of repayment of debt obligations.

4.   Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest occurs when an individual or entity has competing interests that could potentially compromise their objectivity, leading to biased decision-making or actions.

5.   ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Practices:

ESG refers to the evaluation of an organization's environmental, social, and governance practices. It assesses how a company addresses sustainability, ethical, and governance issues.



        I.        PART A - REPORTS

1.   Case Study 1 (35 marks): Monetary policy

a/ Statement of Problem or Issue (Approx. 100-150 words):

-     Clearly state your assigned country

-     Begin by briefly define monetary policy and its impacts on the economy

-     Briefly analyze the impacts of COVID-19 on the monetary policy

-     Provide rationale for analyzing monetary policy before and after COVID-19


-     Monetary policy in Vietnam refers to the strategic management of the money supply, interest rates, and credit conditions by the State Bank of Vietnam. It plays a crucial role in achieving economic stability, fostering growth, and controlling inflation.

-     The COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on Vietnam's monetary policy. In the face of economic disruptions, the State Bank of Vietnam swiftly implemented measures such as interest rate cuts and liquidity support to mitigate the pandemic's adverse effects.

-     Analyzing Vietnam's monetary policy before and after COVID-19 is essential for several reasons:

+    To assess how effectively the policy responded to the unique challenges posed by the pandemic and whether it helped stabilize the economy.

+    To determine the adaptability of Vietnam's monetary policy framework in the face of unprecedented shocks and whether adjustments were made to align with evolving economic needs.

+    To provide valuable insights for policymakers, economists, and financial institutions on the trajectory of Vietnam's monetary policy in a post-pandemic world, and whether any recalibrations are required to sustain economic growth and stability.

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