Management & Change


Discrimination Report & Presentation

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   Analyze discrimination/bias against marginalized groups (women, LGBTQ+, minorities, disabled, impoverished) in a real organization (large/small, non-profit/for-profit).


   In a 10-minute group presentation:

   Problem: Describe how discrimination manifests with a focus on explaining how it takes place. Provide evidence.

   Solution: Propose 2 practical solutions to address the problem using course concepts.

   Use 4 course concepts to support analysis and solutions.

   Include 500-700 word detailed footnotes explaining key ideas.



Suggested Structure:


  I. Introduction

1.     Title of the presentation

2.     Names of group members

3.     A brief overview of the organization chosen

4.     Objectives of the Presentation

II. Body

1.     Raising the Problem

5. Explain the Problem

6. Calling for Help

7. Identifying Root Causes

8. Code of Conduct Gaps

2.     Raising the Solution

9. Proposing Solutions

10->14. Detailed Solution 1

15->19. Detailed Solution 2


Essential keywords relating to Organisations

    Course concepts  that you have learned during Week 6 – Week 11

1.      Reflexivity - The practice of critical self-examination to understand how personal experiences shape perspectives and actions. Example: Reflecting on how family background influenced work preferences.

2.     Tacit Knowledge - Knowledge gained from direct experience that is difficult to articulate. Example: A craftsperson's expertise developed over years of practice.

3.     Explicit Knowledge - Knowledge that is codified and transmittable through language and symbols. Example: A chemistry textbook explanation of molecular structures.

4.    Thought Diversity - Variations in thinking patterns and perspectives, often driven by different cultures and experiences. Example: Innovative strategies incorporating international and marginalized viewpoints.

5.     Psychological Economies - Shared mindsets and assumptions that enable quick sensemaking but limit divergent thinking. Example: Organizational culture norms.

6.     Six Thinking Hats - Using six metaphorical hats to approach problems from emotional, positive, negative, creative, and critical angles.

7.     Groupthink - A tendency for group consensus and desire for harmony to override rational decision-making and appraisal of alternatives.

8.     Learning Organization - An organization skilled at knowledge creation, acquisition, transfer, with culture open to learning and critical reflection.

9.     Explicit Knowledge - Knowledge that can be codified and transmitted in formal systematic language.

10.  Tacit Knowledge - Personal, experience-based knowledge that is more difficult to formally articulate and communicate.

11.    Knowledge and Ignorance - Recognizing that gaps in knowledge (ignorance) can provide opportunities for learning and growth.

12.   Epistemic Vices - Prejudices or thinking flaws that can lead to poor judgment, like groupthink and arrogance.


     Other essential keywords:

13.   Transformative Learning - Constructing new meaning and consciousness through reflection on experiences that challenge ingrained mindsets. Example: Workplace training exposing harmful biases.

14.  Bias: A tendency to favor or against one group over another, often unconsciously. Example: Preferring male candidates over female ones for a technical job role without valid reasons.

15.   Discrimination: Unjust treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. Example: Not promoting a qualified employee because of their race.

16.  Code of Conduct: A set of rules outlining the norms, rules, and responsibilities of individuals within an organization. Example: A company's code of conduct might include rules against workplace harassment.

17.   Reporting Mechanism: A system for reporting issues or incidents within an organization. Example: A hotline for employees to report incidents of discrimination anonymously.

18.  Investigation Process: The procedure followed to examine a reported issue or allegation. Example: An HR department investigating a complaint about workplace bullying.

19.  Stakeholder: Any individual or group affected by the organization's actions, objectives, and policies. Example: Employees, management, and shareholders are stakeholders in a company.

20. Inclusive Workplace: An environment where diverse individuals are valued, respected, and have equal access to opportunities. Example: A company with employees of various ethnic backgrounds, genders, and abilities, all participating equally in projects.

21.   Typifications - Mental shortcuts for quickly categorizing people, things or situations based on societal conventions. Example: Assumptions based on age or appearance.



I. Selecting case study and researching

Step 1: Find Case


      Where to find the organizations and its issues:

+      Online News Outlets: Use search engines like Google to find news articles about the company. Keywords like "[Company Name] diversity issues" or "[Company Name] discrimination cases" can be useful.

+      Social Media: Check the company’s social media profiles for any public discussions or campaigns related to diversity. Also, look at public sentiment in comments or posts.

      Cross-Reference Information: Cross-check facts from multiple sources to confirm accuracy.

      Some pro-tip to find interesting cases

      Brainstorm a novel angle then research related cases using keyword searches on credible sites.

For example:

+      Discrimination in hiring on the basis of sex, race and national origin at FedEx

+      Discrimination towards the disabled: Walmart’s Case

+      Racial bias: The Coca-Cola Company Racial Discrimination

+      Gender bias in construction: Green JobWorks LLC’s case

+      Harassment of LGBTQ+: University of Florida v. Raymond Rodrigues

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