Global Business


Introduce your analysis report with a brief overview of the Exports Merchandise, Customs (EMC) over the past 13 years (quarterly)


Assignment Recap

In this section, we will revisit the assignment's expectations and the steps necessary to complete the assignment effectively.


  • Word Limit: The report should not exceed 1500 words, excluding references, appendix, and cover page. A penalty applies for exceeding the limit.

  • Numerical Precision: All numeric values should be provided to a maximum of three decimal places.

  • Submission Format: The report must be in Microsoft Word format, with an accompanying Excel file showcasing all work. Screenshots for the Box-and-Whisker plot from an online tool are acceptable.

  • Penalties: There are penalties for late submission of the Excel file, and for including screenshots of tables in the report.

  • Formatting: The report should be formatted in Times New Roman, 12pt font, and include page numbers.

  • Plagiarism: Strictly prohibited and considered a serious offense.

Submission Details:

  • The submission includes two items: a Word file through Turnitin and an Excel file. The Excel file is for reference and won't be marked.

Case Study Questions:

  • Introduction: Provide a brief overview of EMC over the past 13 years without analyzing the provided data set. The introduction should be supported by reliable sources.

  • Data Analysis: Using Excel, perform the following analyses on the quarterly EMC data of the two assigned countries:

  • Draw a line chart and analyze the trends.

  • Compare measures of Central Tendency and choose the best measure for analysis, explaining your choice.

  • Compare measures of Variation and select the best measure for analysis, justifying your decision.

  • Report the frequency distribution and draw Histograms, providing analysis for both countries.

  • Draw Box-and-Whisker Plots and analyze them for both countries.

  • Conclusion: Support your case study answer with at least three findings from Part 2, written for a non-technical audience.

  • Discussion: Connect your conclusion with the introduction, justifying your findings.

  • Influencing Factors: Discuss two economic/financial and two social factors that influence the EMC for each assigned country.

  • Global Trend Comparison: Comment on the suspicion that one of the assigned countries' EMC trends resembles the world's EMC trend from 2011-Q1 to 2023-Q2, using results from Part 2.

Key Term Definition:

Exports Merchandise Customs (EMC)

Refers to the value of goods that a country exports, as recorded by customs authorities. This measure provides insight into the country's economic activity related to international trade.

Constant US$ millions

The data is presented in U.S. dollars and adjusted for inflation. The adjustment allows for more accurate comparisons over time, as it removes the effect of price level changes.

not seas. adj.

Data that is not seasonally adjusted has not been modified to eliminate the effects of regular seasonal patterns, such as holidays or weather-related changes, which can affect economic activity.

Central Tendency

Measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode) describe the center of a data set, representing a typical value around which other values in the data set tend to cluster


The average of all data points, calculated by summing all values and dividing by the number of values.


The middle value when all data points are arranged in ascending order. If there is an even number of data points, the median is the average of the two middle values.


The most frequently occurring value in a data set.

Measures of Variation

These measures (range, interquartile range, variance, standard deviation) describe how spread out or dispersed the values in a data set are


The difference between the highest and lowest values in a data set

Interquartile Range (IQR)

The difference between the 75th percentile (Q3) and the 25th percentile (Q1) in a data set, showing the spread of the middle 50% of values


The average of the squared differences from the Mean, indicating how far each value in the set is from the mean.

Standard Deviation (SD)

The square root of the variance, providing a measure of the dispersion of data points around the mean in the same units as the data.


A graphical representation of the distribution of numerical data, where the data is divided into bins or intervals, and the frequency or count of data points in each bin is represented by the height of the bar.

Box-and-Whisker Plot

A graphical depiction of a data set's distribution that summarizes the minimum, first quartile (Q1), median (Q2), third quartile (Q3), and maximum values, providing a visual summary of the data's spread and central tendency.


C. Detailed Outline

  • Introduce your analysis report with a brief overview of the Exports Merchandise, Customs (EMC) over the past 13 years (quarterly):

In Vietnam, the selection of international markets for exporting goods has been significantly influenced by factors such as low tariff rates, favorable exchange rates, and ease of doing business. Malaysia has been identified as one of the consistently efficient export markets for Vietnamese goods between 2014 and 2017 (Wang & Le, 2018). The study of the customs environment in Vietnam reveals its substantial impact on the country's exports, indicating that improvements in the customs environment could further promote Vietnam's exports (Nguyen, Luong, Trinh, Nguyen, & Dang, 2023).

Vietnam's export dynamics over the past 13 years reflect its robust growth and increasing integration into the global economy. The country's strategic focus on enhancing its export sectors, particularly in manufacturing and agriculture, has been instrumental in driving this growth. Vietnam's proactive engagement in international trade agreements and improvements in trade facilitation measures have further bolstered its export performance, making it an essential player in the Southeast Asian export landscape.

Conversely, Malaysia's position as a significant coffee export destination for Indonesia has seen a shift with Vietnam emerging as a major competitor. This shift underscores the changing dynamics within the Malaysian market and the need for a deeper understanding of export trends and consumer preferences in Malaysia (Atmadji, Astuti, & Suhardiman, 2018).

Malaysia's export trends over the same period highlight its diversification efforts in both traditional and emerging sectors. Leveraging its strategic location and developed infrastructure, Malaysia has become a key export hub in the region. Emphasizing value-added exports and innovation in sectors such as electronics, palm oil, and rubber, Malaysia has sustained export growth, reinforcing its position as a significant contributor to intra-ASEAN and global trade flows. (Wang & Le, 2018) (Nguyen, Luong, Trinh, Nguyen, & Dang, 2023). (Atmadji, Astuti, & Suhardiman, 2018)


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