Management & Change

[SEM A 2024] Strategy - A3

Search for your favorite company or companies in an industry you are interested in or familiar with. Review company websites, latest annual reports, news articles, and industry analyses to identify potential companies. Consider issues facing major players. Here a list of Vietnamese company you can use: Vinamilk: “Làn sóng thông tin sai sự thật về sữa học đường Vinamilk” Acecook:”Trong các cuộc khủng hoảng truyền thông ở Việt Nam không thể không nhắc đến cuộc khủng hoảng của mì Hảo Hảo. Tháng 8 2021, thông tin sản phẩm mì Hảo Hảo và miến Good bị thu hồi tại thị trường Ireland do chứa hợp chất có nguy cơ gây ung thư nếu sử dụng lâu dài, được đăng tải trên nhiều kênh báo chí. “ Vingroup, etc.



  • Prepare a 2-slide strategy recommendation for an existing Vietnamese company facing a strategic dilemma.

  • Recommendation should address a corporate-level issue or business-level issue.

  • Present a 2-minute pitch of your recommendation to the instructor

  • Defend your recommendation during a 3-minute questioning period

Suggested Step:


Step 1: Identify the company and strategic dilemma


Step 2: Analysis of Current Situation

  • Overview of company's current strategy and issues it faces

  • Use concepts from the course to analyze the strategic dilemma


Step 3: Recommended Strategy & Rationale and Support

  • Describe your recommended strategy

  • Explain how it addresses the key issues identified

  • Link to relevant course concepts


Step 4: (optional): Implementation Plan 

  • High level overview of how the strategy would be implemented

  • Key activities, resources required, timeframes


Step 5: Conclusion

  • Summary of key elements of your recommended strategy

  • Address risks, limitations and possible extensions


Step 6: Create 2-slide strategy 

  • Overview of recommendation and rationale (*Visually engaging)


Step 7: Prepare for 2-minute pitch

  • Summarize the key main findings, sort out the important information

  • Try to pitch at least 2 times before the real pitch


Step 8: Prepare for 3-minute questioning period

  • Utilize your finding and look for the weakest points in your finding




Expanding into new products, services, or markets. Helps mitigate risk

Vertical Integration

Taking ownership or control of suppliers or distributors. Can increase margins and reduce transaction costs.

Generic Strategies

Competitive approaches defined by Porter based on factors like price, uniqueness, and market segmentation

Core Competencies

Activities a firm performs exceptionally well that form the basis for competitive advantage.

Strategic Dilemma

Major, difficult strategic decisions a company faces with complex trade-offs.


PESTEL Analysis

Framework to assess external Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal factors affecting an organization's strategy.

VRIO Framework

Tool to analyze internal Resources and Capabilities in terms of Value, Rarity, Inability to Imitate, and Organization. Provides a basis for sustained competitive advantage

Porter's 5 Forces

Framework for analyzing intensity of industry competition, based on bargaining power of buyers/suppliers, threat of new entrants and substitutes, rivalry among existing firms.


Benefits from combining business activities across units or after an M&A. Creates additional value.

Organic Growth

Growth by increasing output, enhancing marketing, or entering new markets with existing operations

Strategic Alliance

Agreement between firms to collaborate for mutual benefit and achieve strategic objectives

First Mover Advantage

Competitive edge gained by being first to enter the market or innovate. Difficult and costly to replicate.

Disruptive Innovation

Introduction of new product or service that shakes up and transforms existing markets through novel attributes.

Risk-Return Tradeoff

Concept that higher financial gains come with greater chance of losses. Impacts willingness to pursue strategies with higher potential reward but also risk.




Identify the company and strategic dilemma

  • Search for your favorite company or companies in an industry you are interested in or familiar with.

  • Review company websites, latest annual reports, news articles, and industry analyses to identify potential companies. Consider issues facing major players.

  • Here a list of Vietnamese company you can use:

  • Vinamilk: “Làn sóng thông tin sai sự thật về sữa học đường Vinamilk”

  • Acecook:”Trong các cuộc khủng hoảng truyền thông ở Việt Nam không thể không nhắc đến cuộc khủng hoảng của mì Hảo Hảo. Tháng 8 2021, thông tin sản phẩm mì Hảo Hảo và miến Good bị thu hồi tại thị trường Ireland do chứa hợp chất có nguy cơ gây ung thư nếu sử dụng lâu dài, được đăng tải trên nhiều kênh báo chí. “

  • Vingroup, etc.



Company overview:

Vietnam Airlines is the national flag carrier of Vietnam, headquartered in Hanoi. Established in 1956 as Vietnam Civil Aviation, the airline has since grown into a key player in the aviation industry, connecting Vietnam with domestic and international destinations.Vietnam Airlines operates a modern fleet of aircraft, including Airbus A321, A350, and Boeing 787 Dreamliner, among others, to serve its domestic and international routes. The airline operates a comprehensive network of routes, with a focus on connecting Vietnam with major cities and tourist destinations around the world.

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