Professional Communication



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In this section, we will revisit the assignment's expectations and the steps necessary to complete the assignment effectively.


1.     Assessed criteria:

      Discuss the theory regarding the definition and role of creativity in advertising

      Evaluate and discuss examples of advertising creativity in a global communications context

2.     Assignment details:

      Requirement: magazine article supporting or rejecting the notion of creativity in advertising

      Format: a double-page magazine article that has 500-700 words


-        Using the article provided in the brief, conduct research, locate evidence and visual examples to either SUPPORT or REJECT creativity in advertising. In it, you’ll find 12 different perspectives that argue for or against that notion; you have to pick a stance and utilize the quotes that support such a stance as your starting point.

-        You can choose to focus on one, several, or all, of the practitioners' opinions to build your own case. It is commendable to select 1 or 2 quotes that you agree with to use as foundations.

-        Remember to include a definition of creativity (in your own words) in your article (Note: Don’t forget to include the source article in your reference list!)

-        Design specifications:

+      Your final article should fit into a double-page magazine spread.

+      Dimensions: height 276.5mm x total width 426 mm (each page = 213mm wide); all margins 10 mm; gutter (in middle) 5 mm. Set 3 mm bleed around outside of the spread (no bleed required in the gutter).

+      Column: Consider how many columns you want on each page. Do you want all of your images to be the same size, or to vary? Do you want the pics to fit within the column width or to take up half or even a whole page? Normally, a page has 2 or 3 columns of text.

+      Think about your by-line (i.e. where you’re going to put your name); consider having a subheading for your article and perhaps even include a ‘pull quote’ if you want a bit more of a challenge.

+      A headline or title for the article is also a must.

-        2 or 3 visual examples in the form of images, photos, illustrations and more from actual brands must be implemented in your article to elucidate your argument.

-        You must include a reference list along with your magazine spread, either embedded in the text or as a separate word document (converted to a PDF -if the file is not in PDF format, it will be an automatic zero for the assignment) for inclusion with your assignment submission.


      Suggested tool: InDesign for designing your double-page magazine spread

      Assignment structure (suggested):

-        Abstract/Introduction: 50-100 words

-        Creativity in advertising - definition, functionality and its place in your paper’s chosen context: 150 words

-        Report, analysis and assessment of your visual examples (determined based on your stance: FOR or AGAINST creative advertising): 300-400 words

-        Conclusion: 50-100 words

Disclaimer: this guideline does not come with instructions on how to utilize InDesign, only the structure, examples and execution of ideas regarding the magazine article.



In this segment, we will take another look at the terminology associated with assignment that is discussed within the context of the course.




Advertising creativity

Advertising creativity is the ability to generate fresh, unique, and appropriate or relevant ideas that can be used as solutions to communication problems

Idea generation

Idea generation is the development of a creative process where advertisers brainstorm numerous approaches and techniques in producing new ideas. Along with creative advertising, this notion in the context of the advertising sphere refers to problem-solving - getting to the bottom of a creative brief.


A USP is a product’s distinctive feature that makes it stand out from those of competitors. In each brief you will likely identify this notion. That is where the single-minded proposition comes in, which communicates a company’s product, service or campaign’s most important idea. You want to be certain that your concepts do not project many ideas at once.

Concept vs Idea

A concept refers to an abstract notion or mental framework that stands for a category, group, or idea. An idea is a mental construct that forms as a product of logic or inventive thinking, and it can encompass various designs, viewpoints and concepts.



In this step, we will discuss in detail each component and its requirements within the assignment.



The following tutorials may help you learn the required software (InDesign) skills:

      Adobe InDesign tutorials (no log-in required):

-        Getting started with InDesign

-        Add text

-        Format text

-        Add and transform graphics


Before proceeding with writing or designing, the priority must be to establish a clear outline for your magazine spread. This translates to choosing the components you want to include and determining the layout of every part. Once a clear executive vision is achieved, you can start composing it.


TIPS: Spend an extended amount of time on these websites, Dribbble, Pinterest or wherever you get your creative incentive from to learn more about how to design your magazine’s outline. Depending on your chosen topic, art direction and personal preference, the stylistic spine of this artifact will vary; however, don’t shy from combining one or two alternative elements from other branches as well because it might enhance the aesthetics.


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