Professional Communication


intro to advertising

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In this section, we will revisit the assignment's expectations and the steps necessary to complete the assignment effectively.


1.       Assessed criteria:

        Examine a variety of marketing communication alternatives, including advertising and other promotion forms

        Discuss the major participants and roles in the advertising communications industry

2.       Assignment details:

        Requirement: write an essay to analyze the brand performance through its IMC campaign

        Format: A 1,000-word essay (+/- 10%, excluding references and appendices)


-          A word count of 1,000 is applied for the paper.

-          Formatting: 1.5 spacing, 11 point font, 2cm margins (x4).

-          The campaign:

+        Must be situated in the Vietnam market.

+        The brand must come from 2 product categories: Automobile or Airlines

+        The campaign must be from 2021 onwards.

-          A literature review elaborating on brand theories alongside a short recommendation section regarding the possible IMC tools that could be used to boost performance must be featured in the essay.

-          A minimum of 4 academic references must be included in the essay.

        Assignment structure:

-          Introduction: 100 words

-          Literature review: 150 words

-          Discussion of the IMC tools applied by the brand: 400

-          Advertising’s role in brand building and communication campaign: 150

-          Recommendation of possible tools to improve the campaign: 100

-          Conclusion: 100



In this segment, we will take another look at the terminology associated with assignment that is discussed within the context of the course.




IMC tools

IMC, or Integrated Marketing Communications, is a strategic marketing approach that involves combining communication tools and channels to convey a key message to a target audience.





Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and

promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor:

o TV ad (TVC) & product placement

o Print ad

o Radio

o Digital advertising

o Outdoor/Out of Home advertising (OOH)

o Guerrilla (ambient) advertising

o Point of Purchase Advertising: Packaging, POSM, display, activation.

Head and heart strategies

Two basic approaches to translating message objectives into strategy:

        Hard Sell: based on logic, it touches the intellect.

        Soft Sell: uses emotional appeals or images to create a response.

Brand equity

Brand equity is viewed in two perspectives: Financial and customer-based. The first view is the financial asset value that the brand creates to the business. The second view is the evaluation of the customer response to the brand. In branding, we focus on customer-based brand equity (CBBE). Brand equity provides a common denominator for interpreting marketing

strategies and assessing the value of a brand.

Brand awareness

        ‘Brand awareness indicates how familiar your target audience is with your brand’ (Deren 2023).

        Related to the strength of the brand node or trace in memory.

        Created through repetition, brand elements, experiences, advertising, slogans, etc.

Brand identity

It is a combination of factors including: name, logo, symbols, design, packaging and performance of a product or service.

        Images or associations that come to mind when consumers think about a brand.

        Encompasses the entire spectrum of consumers’ awareness, knowledge and image of a brand as well as the company behind it. It is the sum of all touch points that consumers have with the brand.

Brand image

Brand image refers to consumers' perceptions about a brand.

        Established through repeated exposure (for brand recognition), and forging strong associations with the appropriate product category or other relevant purchase or consumption cues (for recall).

        Once sufficient brand awareness is created, marketers can put more emphasis on crafting a brand image.





For this guideline, Vinfast - a well-known Vietnamese brand which manufactures electric cars, motorbikes and its “Mãnh liệt tinh thần Viêt Nam '' campaign will be chosen as an example to dissect.



It is recommended to always start an essay by setting up contextual backgrounds, general ideas, your selected campaign, theories and finally, thesis statement. Here is a structured suggestion on how to approach this problem:

        Context: Go from the product category you’ve chosen out of those in the brief to the particular case study.

        Introduction of campaign, its purpose and general ideas

        Thesis statement: state any theory that shows up later in the essay, as well as mention that the important roles of brand building and advertising will be discussed


The dawn of the 21st century has seen the electric car (EV) segment transform from a niche market into a major frontier in the global automobile industry (IEA, 2023). This shift reflects growing environmental concerns and a push for sustainable mobility solutions (MarketsandMarkets, 2023). In Vietnam, a country with a burgeoning automotive market, VinFast has emerged as an emerging force in the EV segment, aspiring to position itself as a leader not only domestically but on the global stage. The campaign “Mãnh liệt tinh thần Việt Nam 2” (The Fierce Spirit of Vietnam 2), launched by VinFast in 2024, embodies the brand's mission to revolutionize the Vietnamese automobile industry by promoting its electric cars as symbols of innovation, sustainability, and national pride.

The campaign serves multiple purposes: to introduce VinFast's EV lineup to the Vietnamese market, to foster a connection with the national identity of Vietnamese consumers, and to position VinFast as a competitive player in the global EV industry. It encapsulates general ideas of technological advancement, environmental responsibility, and the celebration of Vietnamese spirit and resilience.

This report will examine the "Fierce Vietnamese Spirit - Mãnh liệt tinh thần Việt Nam" campaign through the lens of brand building and advertising theories, particularly focusing on the role of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and brand equity in shaping consumer perceptions and enhancing brand performance. The analysis will highlight the significant roles that strategic branding and advertising play in not only conveying the brand's message but also in forging a deep connection with consumers and building a strong, recognizable brand in the competitive EV market.

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