Management & Change

[SEM C 2023] Leadership - A2 (Template Version)

First Stage: Listening to Guest Speaker Ms. Sara Amendola - the Vice President of Data Analytics and Vietnam Regional Development Manager at Bosch Key points in the presentation: The speaker emphasized the strong connection between discipline and creativity. This means leaders need to simultaneously maintain rules and frosting creativity.


  1. Assessment Recap

  • Length: 1,500 words total 

  • Task: The assessment aims to facilitate a critical reflection on a guest industry speaker's leadership journey and apply the insights gained to evaluate the leadership qualities of a chosen business or NGO leader.

  • Suggested structure

  1. Title page

  2. Table of contents

  3. Introduction: Introduce the general topic and the structure of your paper (less than 100 words and NOT included in the word count).

  4. Body: Provide the answers to the four questions (i.e., Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4). Please headings and subheadings to improve the clarity of your paper. (1,500 words)

  5. Conclusion: Summarize the key ideas in your paper and express the final thoughts (less than 100 words and NOT included in the word count).

  6. References

II. Theories - Key term definition

Effective Leadership Theory encompasses diverse approaches and models to identify traits and behaviors of successful leaders, without a single, universally accepted theory, but rather a collection contributing to understanding leadership effectiveness.. Some key theories and models within this realm include:

  • Transformational Leadership:

    • Definition: Transformational leadership motivates people to meet organizational goals outside their self-interest.(Bass and Bass, 2008). 

    • Transformational leaders act as role models and mentors (Fin and Yule, 2004;  Yukl, 2010) This leads to lower absenteeism, higher productivity, and a trusting, peaceful work atmosphere (Inness et al., 2010) It motivates employees to perform exceptionally, by creating a positive organizational vision and prioritizing their needs (Conger & Kanungo, 1998) This results in higher levels of safety compliance among employees (Zohar, 2002).

    • Link: Transformational Leadership and Employee Safety Performance 

    • (PDF) Exploring the Qualities of a Good Leader Using Principal …


  • Transactional Leadership: Exchanges rewards and punishments, focusing on routine tasks.

  • Situational Leadership: Adapts to follower readiness and situation, requiring flexible leadership styles.

  • Servant Leadership: Serves followers, prioritizing their well-being and fostering collaboration.

  • Contingency Leadership: Depends on situational assessment and leader adaptability, considering task and follower characteristics.

  • Charismatic Leadership: Relies on personal charisma for inspiration and vision communication.

  • Path-Goal Theory: Aims to motivate followers towards goals by clarifying paths, removing obstacles, and offering support.


The Big Five Personality Traits:  (also known as the Five-Factor Model (FFM)), is a widely accepted psychological framework that categorizes human personality traits into five broad dimensions. These traits provide a comprehensive overview of an individual's personality. The Big Five Personality Traits are:

  • Openness: High in creativity and curiosity vs. low preferring routine and convention.

  • Conscientiousness: High in organization and reliability vs. low being impulsive and less organized.

  • Extraversion: High in sociability and energy vs. low being reserved and solitary.

  • Agreeableness: High in empathy and cooperation vs. low being competitive and less empathetic.

  • Neuroticism (Emotional Stability): High in experiencing negative emotions vs. low being emotionally resilient and stable.


Multidimensional Perfectionism and the Big Five Personality Traits: A Meta‐analysis 

Seven main types of power in leadership:

  • Legitimate Power: This is power that comes from a person's position or role in an organization. It is the authority granted to individuals based on their official status.

  • Coercive Power: This type of power involves the use of punishment or the threat of punishment to influence others. It relies on the ability to impose negative consequences for non-compliance.

  • Informational Power: This power is based on controlling or providing access to information. Individuals with informational power possess data or knowledge that others need or want.

  • Power of Reward: This type of power is derived from the ability to provide rewards or incentives. Individuals who can grant promotions, bonuses, or other desirable outcomes wield power.

  • Connection Power: This power comes from an individual's network of relationships or alliances. It involves leveraging personal connections and networks to influence others.

7 Types of Power in Leadership 

Building a New Paradigm: Analysis of a Case Study in Organizational Change in Collection Management Using Bolman's and Deal's Four-Frame Model

Analysis Of The Leadership Orientations Of Academic Leaders With Respect To Bolman And Deal’s Four Frames Model 

Four leadership frameworks:

  • Structural Frame: Views organizations as structures with clear roles and hierarchies, focusing on organization, roles, and goals.

  • Human Resource Frame: Sees organizations as communities, emphasizing human needs, relationships, and positive culture.

  • Symbolic Frame: Regards organizations as symbolic entities, stressing the importance of symbols, rituals, and culture.

Charismatic leadership: is a leadership style characterized by the leader's ability to inspire and influence others through their personal charm, vision, and persuasive communication. Charismatic leaders often exhibit a magnetic personality, self-confidence, and a strong sense of purpose that captivates and motivates followers.

A Quantitative Review of Research on Charismatic Leadership

A laboratory study of charismatic leadership - ScienceDirect



First Stage: Listening to Guest Speaker

Ms. Sara Amendola - the Vice President of Data Analytics and Vietnam Regional Development Manager at Bosch


  • Key points in the presentation:

    • The speaker emphasized the strong connection between discipline and creativity. This means leaders need to simultaneously maintain rules and frosting creativity.

    • This also means that sometimes a leader needs to know how to accept mistakes from both themself and their followers to facilitate innovation.

    • Empowerment is an important element in leadership

    • Not only that, the fact that leaders are not satisfied with the status quo and constantly challenge themselves and seek ways to improve is a necessary factor for innovation.

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