Management & Change

[SEM C 2023] LEADERSHIP - A3 (Template Version)

Take 7 assessments on skill inventory, Emotional Intelligence, Diversity Management Capability, Cultural Intelligence, Ability to Work under Ambiguity, Networking, and Negotiating From the results obtained, choose 3 strengths and/or weaknesses


  1. Assessment Recap

  • Length: 1,800 (+/- 10%)

Task: The task involves reflecting on personal leadership qualities using diagnostic tools to measure three specific areas of leadership and identify strengths and weaknesses. Based on self-discovery, a draft leadership development plan is to be created. The plan must then incorporate industry feedback from a chosen leader holding a leadership position. The leader should provide direct feedback on the draft plan. This Work Integrated Learning (WIL) assessment aims to apply knowledge and skills gained from Assessment 2 in a real workplace context, emphasizing engagement with industry feedback.

Suggested structure:

  1. Title page

  2. Table of contents

  3. Introduction (~150 words)

  4. Body with headings and sub-headings: Leadership development plan (~1000 words); Industry feedback (~500 words)

  5. Conclusion (~150 words)

  6. References, which will include: 

  • your leader’s feedback in the Industry feedback checklist

  • your Leadership diagnostic tests results

  • initial Leadership development plan (before feedback from chosen leader)

  • final Leadership development plan (incorporating feedback from chosen leader)

  • background information about your leader who will provide feedback on your plan.


II. Theories - Key term Definition

Skill inventory

The Three-Skill Approach in leadership, proposed by Robert Katz in 1955, outlines three essential skills that effective leaders should possess. These skills are categorized into three distinct types

  • Technical Skill

  • Definition: Technical skill refers to the knowledge and proficiency in a specific field or discipline.

  • Application: Leaders with strong technical skills are adept at understanding and performing specific tasks related to their area of expertise. This skill is crucial for hands-on, operational aspects of the work.

  • Human Skill

  • Definition: Human skill, also known as interpersonal or people skill, involves the ability to work effectively with others.

  • Application: Leaders with strong human skills can communicate, collaborate, and relate well to individuals and groups. This skill is vital for building and maintaining positive relationships within a team or organization.

  • Conceptual Skill

  • Definition: Conceptual skill involves the ability to think strategically, analyze situations, and understand abstract concepts.

  • Application: Leaders with strong conceptual skills can grasp the bigger picture, make decisions based on complex information, and formulate plans and strategies. This skill is crucial for top-level management roles where a broad understanding of the organization and its environment is essential.

According to Katz, the importance of these skills may vary depending on the level of management within an organization. Lower-level managers often require strong technical skills to oversee day-to-day operations, while higher-level managers need well-developed conceptual skills to make strategic decisions. Human skills are considered essential at all levels, as effective leadership involves working with and through people.

This Three-Skill Approach provides a framework for understanding the multifaceted nature of leadership and emphasizes the need for a balance between technical, human, and conceptual skills for leaders to be successful in their roles


III. Detailed Outline

First Stage: Diagnostic tools

  • Take 7 assessments on skill inventory, Emotional Intelligence, Diversity Management Capability, Cultural Intelligence, Ability to Work under Ambiguity, Networking, and Negotiating

  • From the results obtained, choose 3 strengths and/or weaknesses


  • You should find out which of the 7 skills above have many references and can be closely linked to the leadership aspect.

  • Then come up with an idea of ​​what specific plans you can make to develop your strengths and overcome your weaknesses.

  • From there, choose 2 strengths and one weakness or 2 weaknesses and one strength

Second Stage: Reflection

Suggest Flow: 

  • Introduction to Leadership Diagnostic Tools: The paragraph starts by introducing the use of Leadership Diagnostic Tools for self-assessment in leadership.

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