Management & Change


Individual Strategy Pitch



    Prepare a 2-slide strategy recommendation for an existing company facing a strategic dilemma.

    Recommendation should address a corporate-level issue or business-level issue.

    Present a 2-minute pitch of your recommendation to the instructor

    Defend your recommendation during a 3-minute questioning period




Suggested Step:


Step 1: Identify the company and strategic dilemma


Step 2: Analysis of Current Situation

      Overview of company's current strategy and issues it faces

      Use concepts from the course to analyze the strategic dilemma


Step 3: Recommended Strategy & Rationale and Support

      Describe your recommended strategy

      Explain how it addresses the key issues identified

      Link to relevant course concepts


Step 4: (optional): Implementation Plan

      High level overview of how the strategy would be implemented

      Key activities, resources required, timeframes


Step 5: Conclusion

      Summary of key elements of your recommended strategy

      Address risks, limitations and possible extensions


Step 6: Create 2-slide strategy

      Overview of recommendation and rationale (*Visually engaging)


Step 7: Prepare for 2-minute pitch

      Summarize the key main findings, sort out the important information

      Try to pitch at least 2 times before the real pitch


Step 8: Prepare for 3-minute questioning period

      Utilize your finding and look for the weakest points in your finding

      Try to predict what will the judge ask.





1.     Diversification - Expanding into new products, services, or markets. Helps mitigate risk.

2.     Vertical Integration - Taking ownership or control of suppliers or distributors. Can increase margins and reduce transaction costs.

3.     Generic Strategies (Cost Leadership, Differentiation, Focus) - Competitive approaches defined by Porter based on factors like price, uniqueness, and market segmentation.

4.     Core Competencies - Activities a firm performs exceptionally well that form basis for competitive advantage.

5.     Strategic Dilemma - Major, difficult strategic decision a company faces with complex trade-offs.

6.     PESTEL Analysis - Framework to assess external Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal factors affecting an organization's strategy.

7.     VRIO Framework - Tool to analyze internal Resources and Capabilities in terms of Value, Rarity, Inability to Imitate, and Organization. Provides a basis for sustained competitive advantage.

8.     Porter's 5 Forces - Framework for analyzing intensity of industry competition, based on bargaining power of buyers/suppliers, threat of new entrants and substitutes, rivalry among existing firms.

9.     Synergy - Benefits from combining business activities across units or after an M&A. Creates additional value.

10.  Organic Growth - Growth by increasing output, enhancing marketing, or entering new markets with existing operations.

11.  Strategic Alliance - Agreement between firms to collaborate for mutual benefit and achieve strategic objectives.

12.  First Mover Advantage - Competitive edge gained by being first to enter the market or innovate. Difficult and costly to replicate.

13.  Disruptive Innovation - Introduction of new product or service that shakes up and transforms existing markets through novel attributes.

14.  Success Factors - Internal strengths or external circumstances that are critical to the success of a firm's business or strategy within a particular industry.

15.  Risk-Return Tradeoff - Concept that higher financial gains come with greater chance of losses. Impacts willingness to pursue strategies with higher potential reward but also risk.




     Identify the company and strategic dilemma

      Search for your favorite company or companies in an industry you are interested in or familiar with.

      Review company websites, latest annual reports, news articles, and industry analyses to identify potential companies. Consider issues facing major players.

NOTES: Try to identify and relate to the current hot issues like AI. Here are a few sources that you can relate to:

       Korn Ferry Digital: The company's SVP, Purbita Banerjee, discussed the pressure to integrate generative AI into internal processes and external solutions, highlighting the dilemma of whether to launch AI-powered products now or wait for tech giants to bring out similar products

      Google: Google is facing a strategic dilemma related to the innovator's dilemma, which refers to the challenge of balancing the need to innovate with the risk of overlooking new technologies and lucrative gaps in the market. Google is facing competition from other tech giants, such as Microsoft's Bing, and the threat of AI competition looming over its search business. (1)


Starbucks is the world's largest specialty coffee retailer, with over 30,000 stores globally and annual revenues of $26 billion (Starbucks Annual Report, 2019). The company has had incredible success with defining the café culture and positioning itself as an affordable luxury brand. However, in recent years Starbucks has faced stagnating financial performance due to a saturated North American market and growing competition from low-cost coffee retailers. Starbucks needs to aim to address the strategic dilemma of how it can reignite growth in this competitive and mature landscape through diversification of its business.

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