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A/ Assignment recap

    SWOT Analysis and reflection questions (1000 words)

    Professional profile and job application


B/ Key term definition


Autocratic Leadership

In this style, the leader makes decisions unilaterally, with little input from team members. They have tight control over the team and its activities.


Democratic Leadership

Democratic leaders involve team members in the decision-making process. They seek input, ideas, and feedback from the team, ultimately making decisions based on a consensus or majority agreement.


Transformational Leadership

Transformational leaders inspire and motivate their teams through a shared vision. They encourage creativity and innovation and are known for their charisma and ability to inspire trust and loyalty.

Transactional Leadership

Transactional leaders focus on task completion and use a system of rewards and punishments to motivate team members. They emphasize clear expectations, structure, and adherence to rules and regulations.

Servant Leadership

Servant leaders prioritize the needs and development of their team members. They focus on serving others and helping them reach their full potential, often leading by example.

Laissez-Faire Leadership

Laissez-faire leaders provide a high degree of autonomy to team members, allowing them to make decisions and manage their tasks independently. They provide guidance when necessary but generally avoid micromanaging.

Charismatic Leadership

Charismatic leaders rely on their personal charm and charisma to influence and inspire their teams. They are often dynamic and persuasive speakers.

Situational Leadership

Situational leaders adapt their leadership style based on the specific situation or needs of the team. They may switch between different leadership styles depending on the circumstances.

Coaching Leadership

Coaching leaders focus on the long-term development and growth of team members. They provide guidance, feedback, and support to help individuals improve their skills and achieve their goals.

Visionary Leadership

Visionary leaders have a clear and compelling vision for the future and inspire their teams to work towards that vision. They focus on aligning team members with a shared purpose.


C/ Detailed guideline


1. SWOT analysis

Do a SWOT analysis about yourself (100 each), think about your personal quality

    What do you do well? What is unique about you?

    What soft skills do you have?

    What do others see as your strengths?

    What have you excelled in at work/school/university/socially?




John possesses several strengths that contribute to his personal and professional success. First and foremost, he has exceptional interpersonal skills, which enable him to build strong relationships with colleagues, clients, and friends. Additionally, John is highly organized and possesses excellent time management abilities, allowing him to efficiently juggle multiple tasks and responsibilities. He is also a quick learner, consistently staying up-to-date with industry trends and acquiring new skills. John's resilience and ability to stay calm under pressure make him a valuable asset in challenging situations. Lastly, his strong work ethic and determination ensure that he consistently delivers high-quality results.


Despite his many strengths, John also has a few weaknesses that he must address. One of his key weaknesses is a tendency to be overly self-critical, which sometimes leads to a lack of self-confidence. This can hinder his ability to take calculated risks and seize opportunities. Additionally, John struggles with public speaking and often experiences anxiety when addressing large groups. He also tends to be too detail-oriented, sometimes getting bogged down in minutiae rather than focusing on the bigger picture. John's work-life balance is another area of concern, as he often prioritizes work over personal well-being, which can lead to burnout.


John has several opportunities he can capitalize on to further his personal and professional growth. First, he can enroll in public speaking courses or seek coaching to improve his presentation skills and overcome his anxiety. This would open doors for him to take on leadership roles or participate in conferences and workshops. Additionally, John can explore networking events and online platforms to expand his professional connections and uncover new career prospects. Given his proficiency in staying updated with industry trends, he can identify emerging markets or niches where he can leverage his skills and expertise for career advancement.


John faces certain threats that he should be aware of and mitigate. Economic uncertainty and market fluctuations could affect job stability and income levels, so he should establish an emergency fund and diversify his investments. His self-critical nature may continue to undermine his self-confidence, hindering his ability to seize opportunities or take risks when necessary. Work-related stress and burnout are persistent threats, so he should actively manage his work-life balance and seek support when needed. Additionally, competition in his field may intensify, necessitating ongoing skill development and adaptability to remain competitive.

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