Management & Change

WORK IN GLOBAL SOCIETY - A1 (Template Version)

Provide the overall context to see how the issue of young workers' employment matters. Overview of key changes in nature of work and implications for young workers



  • Students are required to reflect on the question How is work changing and what are the implications for young workers and their career opportunities?” by crafting a 10-slide Powerpoint presentation with written explanations (1000 words) for each slide below.


  1. Introduction

  2. Key changes in nature of work

  3. Implications for Young Workers 

  4. Career Opportunities

  5. Conclusion


  1. Global value chains - Cross-border supply chain networks where different stages of producing a good or service are located in different countries.

  2. Demographic shifts - Changes in the characteristics of a population over time, such as age, gender, ethnicity, migration patterns.

  3. Aging populations - Increase in the share of older individuals in a society due to rising life expectancy and declining birth rates. 

  4. Automation - Use of technology, computers, robots, and artificial intelligence to perform tasks done by humans.

  5. Scarring effects - Long-term negative career impacts resulting from difficult early labor market experiences like unemployment or discrimination.

  6. Megatrends - Major shifts in economic, social, environmental systems shaping the world like technology, demographics, climate.

  7. TVET - Technical and vocational education and training providing occupation-specific skills, usually non-academic.

  8. Vulnerable employment - Work that lacks elements of decent work like stability, social protections, workers' rights.

  9. Inactivity - Being outside the labor force altogether, not working or seeking work.

  10. Labor market entry - The initial transition process of securing a first job or employment for youth after completing education.

  11. Forgone entry - Not managing to enter the labor force at all and dropping out of the pipeline for employment.


  1. Introduction (Suggested 1 slide) 

  • Provide the overall context to see how the issue of young workers' employment matters.

  • Overview of key changes in nature of work and implications for young workers


Megatrends and COVID-19 Impact on Skills:

  • Rapid changes, including global megatrends (globalization, technological progress, etc.) and COVID-19, significantly influence required skills.

  • Adaptability is crucial for overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities



  • Young workers essential drivers of productivity and growth

  • Smooth school-to-work transitions critical for economies and individuals

  • You may want to elaborate about the characteristics of Gen Z - the main workforce. 


  • Technological, economic, demographic shifts transforming skill demands, job stability

  • Rising barriers to entry, precarious work, skill gaps challenging youth employment


  • Prevent unequal scarring effects and ensuring inclusive opportunities vital

  • Skill problem

  • Reduce social disparities and promote fairness

  • Protect the well-being of citizens and ensure access to healthcare services

  • Supportive education, labor policies, and targeted interventions needed


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