Management & Change


Work Experience Report




  • Write a 4000-word research report on the question “How is dignity at work being impacted by changes to the world of work?”

  • Investigates worker experiences and their relationship to dignity at work.


Suggested Structure:


  1. Executive Summary (Suggested 450 words) 

  2. Introduction (Suggested 400 words) 

  3. The Study Method (Suggested 700 words) 

  4. The Findings (Suggested 1000 words) 

  5. Discussion (Suggested 650 words) 

  6. Conclusion (Suggested 250 words) 

  7. References



  1. Liberal Democratic Capitalism - An economic system based on free market capitalism, multi-party democracy, and liberal rights to private property and free enterprise.


  1. Globalization - Growing interconnectedness and integration between countries through increased flows of goods, services, capital, ideas, and labor. Enabled by trade pacts, technology, transportation advances.


  1. Outsourcing - Companies contracting external third-party providers to supply services previously delivered in-house like manufacturing, call centers etc. Allows focus on core offerings.


  1. Offshoring - Relocating business operations/production to foreign countries to capitalize on lower costs. Enabled by global connectivity.


  1. Deindustrialization - Decline in traditional manufacturing and heavy industry often as jobs shift to the service sector or overseas. Can spur urban unemployment.


  1. Gig Economy - Labor market characterized by flexible short-term jobs rather than permanent positions. Enabled by digital platforms.


  1. Dignity - The right of workers to security, autonomy, and being treated with respect. Central to human fulfillment from work.


  1. Pyramid Subcontracting - When the main company hires another company to do work, and that company hires yet another company, so there becomes a chain of companies involved. Makes it confusing who is responsible for workers.


  1. Flexibility - Companies having a workforce that can grow or shrink as needed rather than a fixed set of long term employees. Makes job security uncertain.


  1. Migrant Labor - Workers who move to find jobs, either within a country or to another country, for economic reasons. Can be taken advantage of.


  1. Interview Protocol - A pre-planned guide for conducting an interview covering key questions but still allowing open discussion.



Suggested flow:  12-15 sentences

  • Introduction to the topic (2-3 sentences)

  • Overview of research objectives and questions (2-3 sentences)

  • Brief methodology description (2-3 sentences)

  • Summary of key findings (3-4 sentences)

  • Concluding remarks and recommendations (2-3 sentences)




  • Begin the report with a well-defined and succinct thesis statement that outlines the central argument or research question.

  • Define key terms and core concepts. This will serve as a roadmap for readers, making it easier to follow the report's logic

  • Describe the context and show why this issue is important. Delve into a specific analysis of how these arrangements affect workers' dignity.


Suggested flow:


  • Objective of the Report: Define central topic (e.g. the 'gig' economy, outsourcing, etc), state targeted workers, targeted location


  • This report aims to investigate how technological advancements are reshaping the concept of work dignity, particularly for skilled labor in manufacturing sectors across Southeast Asia.


  • This report will investigate the impacts of deindustrialization on work dignity in Vietnam, focusing on the workforce transition from manufacturing to a service-oriented economy.


  • Context: Significance of changes


  • The introduction emphasizes the swift pace of automation and artificial intelligence integration in the workplace, noting a drastic shift in job roles and the emergence of new forms of employment.

  • The introduction recognizes the significant global decline in manufacturing and heavy industry, detailing how economic restructuring, technological disruptions, and offshoring pressures have led to a shift known as deindustrialization. It notes that while deindustrialization has led to certain efficiencies, it has also caused large-scale job displacement, severely affecting individual livelihoods and undermining the prosperity of regions previously reliant on traditional industries.


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