Management & Change


Analyze Skill Shortages and Worker Life Issues


I. Assessment Recap

-             Your assignment is to write a 2000-word report as a consultant on business practice changes in Vietnam, focusing on a selected company.

-             Analyze skill shortages and worker life issues, providing strategic recommendations.

-             Structure the report with an executive summary, introduction, literature review, findings, solutions, recommendations, and conclusion, demonstrating an understanding of globalization, management practices, social science theories, and responsible management.


Suggested structure:

           Executive Summary (suggested 150 words)

           Introduction (suggested  200 words)

           Literature Review and Findings (suggested  600 words)

           Proposed Solutions (suggested  500 words)

           Recommendation (suggested  400 words)

           Conclusion (suggested  150 words)




II. Definition/ Slide summary

1.     Globalization of Economic Exchange and Production: The process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale, reshaping the nature of work.

2.     Strategic Recommendations: Advice or plans developed to address specific issues within a company, focusing on long-term goals and objectives.

3.     Skill Shortage: A situation where the demand for a particular skill set exceeds the supply of workers with those skills in the labor market.

4.     Management Practices: Methods or techniques used to direct and control an organization, particularly in relation to handling employees and resources.

5.     Analytical Skills: The ability to collect and analyze information, problem-solve, and make decisions. Essential for interpreting and critically evaluating conceptual and theoretical frameworks.

6.     Social Science Theories: Theories in disciplines like sociology, psychology, and economics used to understand contemporary work and employment issues.

7.     Responsible Management Practices: Management approaches that consider the interests and well-being of employees, society, and the environment.

8.     Workforce Development: Strategies and practices aimed at enhancing the skills and competencies of workers.

9.     Economic Exchange: The act of trading goods and services between entities, which is a fundamental aspect of globalization affecting work.

10.  Business Practices: Methods, techniques, policies, and standards used in the day-to-day operations of a business.

11.  Employee Interests: The concerns, needs, and goals of employees within an organization.

12.  Consultant Role: A professional role where an individual provides expert advice to businesses, often related to strategy, structure, management, and operations.

13.  Work Transformation: The changes in the nature, scope, and dynamics of work due to various factors like technology, globalization, and market demands.






IV. Detailed outline


1/Executive Summary (150 words)



The flow you should follow:

      Briefly introduce the topic: the impact of changing business practices in Vietnam on employers and workers.

      Summarize key findings: the extent and nature of skill shortages and the issues affecting workers' lives.

      Highlight proposed solutions to address these challenges.

      Outline the strategic recommendations made in the report.



This report focuses on labor shortages and worker-related challenges in the manufacturing industry, a vital part of economic development. Vietnam's economic growth has led to increased labor demand, but skill mismatches persist due to an education system emphasizing theory over practical skills. Workers face hazardous conditions, low wages, and gender inequalities, impacting productivity and social harmony. Proposed solutions include employee training, technological adoption, and Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) to combat labor shortages, along with policies incentivizing labor movement to reduce regional disparities. Improving working conditions, diversity, and communication can enhance worker well-being. Collaboration with universities to enhance employee skills is recommended, with short-term steps involving dialogue and tailored programs, and long-term efforts including internships and research initiatives. These solutions aim to address labor challenges, contribute to economic growth, and create a resilient, future-ready workforce.

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